Black, poor, no oil fields. I knew there was a reason why we’ve left him in power while going after Saddam. Also, since they uphold our fine, US principles by having democratic elections, there’s no reason to go in and teach them how to be civilized.

‘Dust people’ starve in Zimbabwe ruins
Some call them the “dust people”, others the “people with no address”. President Robert Mugabe’s government has a more graphic term: “Sniff out the rats who have sneaked back in” is the name of the latest campaign by police and soldiers against the city dwellers whose homes they demolished earlier this year but who have refused to flee.

Thousands of Zimbabweans are now living like animals in the midst of rubble, crawling in and out of hovels less than 3ft high, fashioned from cardboard boxes and broken asbestos.

“They told us there is no such thing as urban displaced people in Zimbabwe and there is no hunger in Harare,” said one aid worker. “They just want these people to die.”

As if the country were going backwards in time, the government has recommissioned its steam trains and in some areas ambulances are being pulled by donkeys. The joke visitors hear is: “What did Zimbabwe have before candles? Electricity.”

By the way, you might want to visit Mugabe’s most excellent web page. And don’t forget to vote on how he’s doing!

  1. Damian says:

    “Black, poor, no oil fields. I knew there was a reason why we’ve left him in power while going after Saddam. Also, since they uphold our fine, US principles by having democratic elections, there’s no reason to go in and teach them how to be civilized.”

    That’s really pathetic, Dvorak. (I hope you’re no relation of Antonin, because I’m very fond of his music.)

    And don’t worry: Mugabe is as anti-American and anti-British as you. Apparently, your country and mine are the cause of all Zimbabwe’s problems – he said so at the UN and got roundly cheered by all the other thugs and psychos that hang out there.

  2. Dave Drews says:

    No, I’m (I posted this, not John) just saying our priorities on whom we do take on/take out/go to war with is totally inconsistant from our stated goals. And Mugabe blames us because we are easy targets rather than admit he’s a sadistic, murderous dictator who is robbing his country blind while letting/forcing his people to starve.

  3. Rob says:

    Hey John, are you not one of those liberal nuts that could not wait and get Ian Smith out of Rhodesia and get your thug Mugabe in there.
    The chickens are coming home to roost and who gives a rat’s ass.
    It’s too late to feel betrayed.


  4. Sounds the Alarm says:


    Perhaps the issue is that Iraq just happened to have lots and lots of oil and also that Saddam also threatened daddy Bush. Maybe that had a wee bit to do with the whole debacle?

    How is Saddam more evil than ‘Little Kim or any of the half bit tyrants all around the world? Lets take them all out. I’d be morally fine with that.

    Lord knows that it would be a more Christian than the insane fascist neocons or the loopy religious clay eaters actually are.

  5. John… I never thought I’d see the day where your readers would start calling you a liberal. If it’s true I’d like to be the first to welcome you to the Left wing ranks. 😉

    As for this guy…

    know you love your leader as much as you love your country. I know you deserve to see what kind of man I am. To those of you that already know me, this will simply be a joyous refresher of your cherished memories of me. To those with the still unfulfilled desire to know me better, I welcome you to an intimate glimpse of Mugabe – The Man.

    …at least you can say he’s humble. LOL

  6. T.C. Moore says:

    visit Mugabe’s most excellent web page. And don’t forget to vote on how he’s doing!

    Hey, at least 77% say “You suck big time!” Heh.

    My favorite irony in all this is how most African leaders – notably Thabo Mbeki in South African – would rather defend this murderous, megalomaniacal thug than admit their former colonial rulers are right. Which in turn makes them look utterly blind and incompetent.

    They’ve caught the politically correct disease, and they’re using it to debase themselves (and their people). Just like in this thread, which boils down to “You have no right to criticize, because you have made mistakes elsewhere and in the past.” Well, duh. We are all sinners here. Let’s not cast any stones, have a big hug, and smoke some pot.

    our priorities on whom we do take on/take out/go to war with is totally inconsistant from our stated goals.

    You keep forgetting the unstated, politically incorrect goal, which is looking after our own interest. (aka “Why are we over there?”) The risk of potential WMDs, destabilized Middle East outweighed the downsides of a botched occupation (even 100% botched. whoops). Now compare the colonial shit-storm caused by us meddling in the middle of nowhere in Africa vs. the upside of…..what?….. saving our fellow human beings. In what pie-in-the-sky scenario does the US, let alone the Bush Admin, get any credit for that? Remember Somalia?

    Maybe you should ship some yellow cake over there, and we’ll take a second glance.

    And the train of cynicism keeps on rollin’…

    Next episode: Bono and Blair bomb Africa with 2 ton wads of money and $100 laptops that run on yak manure, and turn subsistence farmers into full-fledged members of the global economy.


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