Is this a preferred method?

Taleban burning claims ‘harm US’ — Hmm. I never knew that Muslims find cremation an issue. No wonder they do not get along with the Hindus! Who knew?

Oh, and why are we suddenly politically correct when it comes to the Taliban? Huh? Wha?

US Defence Secretary Donald Rumsfeld has urged military commanders to speed up their inquiry into claims that their troops burned Taleban corpses.

He said the longer it took to verify the allegations, the more harm it would do to the country’s image abroad.

The probe was launched after soldiers were filmed allegedly desecrating two bodies and then taunting locals.

The Taliban are revered??

  1. James says:

    It’s not because they are Taliban that they are to be respected. It’s because it’s considered common decency to be respectful of the dead. I believe it’s in the Geneva convention as well, not that that means any more to our administration than, say, the Kyoto treaty or the ABM treaty.

    On they other hand, they used to put people’s heads on pikes. I think that’s the direction we are headed.

  2. RTaylor says:

    Islamic burial is not elaborate, but there are strict customs and articles of faith to be observed. The statements made was not to appease the Taliban, but the Muslin world as a whole. The IDF and the Mossad was rumored to bury the remains of suicide bombers within the carcass of pigs. This was meant as a insult and warning. Almost 20% of the worlds population is Muslim, and in twenty years time it will be over 30%. If some tolerance isn’t observed the world will be in Jihad for generations.

  3. Chris Brannon says:

    Did you know that mistreatment of the dead is a war crime under the Geneva Conventions? Did you know that such actions are also against our Uniform Code of Military Justice?

    Did you get upset when American bodies were dragged through the streets of Mogadishu? Did you find it horrifying that the bodies of American contractors were hung from a bridge in Fallujah (at least one of which was also dragged)?

    Is your sense of right and wrong so twisted that you believe anything is OK if you think your cause is right? If so, you have more in common with the Taliban than most Americans. If not, you owe your readers an apology for what I hope was a temporary lapse in judgment..

  4. Roland Marty says:

    So, it’s okay to kill these guys — just don’t disrespect the corpses? Shoot ’em full of holes and fill ’em full of lead — but don’t burn the bodies. Would zapping them with a flamethrower while they’re still alive and active also be against the rules? How about daisy cutters? The rules of war — such as they are — were thought up by a bunch of REMFs.

  5. mike cannali says:

    Get real, they already see us as subhuman vermin to be eradicated.

    Sounds like the “politically correct” solution is napalm………….then bury them facing the wrong way – sharing the hole with a pig.

    If these “holy men” don’t like the way we play war, then they should have thought about that before
    1. they flew airplanes into our buildings or
    2 before they sign up for Jihad or
    3. before the behead, mutilate or assasinate our soldiers.

    No one ever won a war by being politically correct. If anything – this should tell us what weapons and tactics to use to terrorize them, because they look at anyone who doesn’t fight as dirty as they do as weak. Fight to win – not to be loved by the enemy.

  6. BOB G says:

    Mr Brannon did you know rotting corpses cause illness. this was not freash kill. Right on Mr Cannali

  7. SignOfZeta says:

    Truly the key to world peace is to kill all of the people that hate us, and then desecrate their corpses in a manor carefully chosen while keeping their religious customs in mind so that we can be as offensive to them as possible.

    Then broadcast the burnings on TV to all their friends, and neighbors taunting them to come out and fight.

    Only then will our conflict be resolved….

    That is fucking insanity.

    Basically there are two kinds of people when it comes to foreign policy these days. There are those that believe that peace is possible, and there are those that believe that peace will never be possible, that the rest of the world is the enemy, and all we can do is kill as many of the enemy as we can until nuclear holocaust consumes us all, and we die with our boots on.

    The first group is idealistic, but the second group will end our species if we let them. “Love, or perish”. At the end of the day/world, those really are the only choices with weapon technology being what it is now.

    Sometimes it seems that there are also those that think that its possible to bomb, torture, and kill ultra-radical, suicidal, quasi-religious terrorists into submission, but really, can anyone actually be so stupid as to believe that?

  8. Hal Jordan says:

    Oh come on! Why is Rummy too concerned about the manner at which corpses are disposed, should he not be worrying about why the corpses were made in the first place?

  9. Hal Jordan says:

    mike cannali, if you honestly believe that the talibans can fly planes to our buildings without government assistance then you can also believe that the WTC towers neatly folded into place without need of detonating the earthquake-proof supporters from below. Youl’d also be gullible enough to believe that the Pentagon “plane crash” was just a plane with no wings and not really a missile. Sometimes it’s easy to fool those who badly want to be fooled.

  10. site admin says:

    That crazy cannali probably thinks we actually landed on the moon too.

  11. Smith says:

    Personally, I think the remains of any suicide bomber should be buried in pig shit. I guess that means I’m not politically correct.

    But then I think targeting women and children for murder is despicable.

  12. AB CD says:

    Burial with pigs is a great idea, though perhaps not for the Taliban, who I think are covered under the Geneva Conventions. The regular terrorists are not. You should really stop repeating silly cliches about the Geneva Conventions, and actually read the documents, which are not that long. It only applies to certain groups behaving in certain ways, Of course US laws banning torture and the military code also apply, but for example Al-Qaeda not in uniform hiding among civilians can be shot on sight, as was routine in other wars.

  13. Milo says:

    Quote by RTaylor:

    “Almost 20% of the worlds population is Muslim, and in twenty years time it will be over 30%. If some tolerance isn’t observed the world will be in Jihad for generations.”

    Or to put it in short form. We must be tolerant or they’ll attack us. After all the only reason they’re attacking us is that we aren’t “tolerant” enough! Also they breed faster!

  14. Pat says:

    What you insensitive a-holes miss that it is extremely offensive to Muslims to cremate their dead.

    Maybe these two bodies had been Taliban. I don’t know. But because they were from Afghanistan, they are assumed to be Muslim and there for the entire Muslim world insists upon proper treatment of their dead.

    What would your opinion be if some group fed dead Christians to pigs? Dubya doesn’t count.

    Don’t forget, we are at war with the Taliban. Let us not alienate other Muslim countries too. We need their help with the war on terror.


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