Colonel Finally Saw Whites of Their Eyes — This lambasting of the current administration is just the beginning. It was all triggered by the Miers nomination. I think that was the last straw.

Larry Wilkerson seethed quietly during President Bush’s first term. Yesterday, Colonel Wilkerson made up for lost time.

He said the vice president and the secretary of defense created a “Cheney-Rumsfeld cabal” that hijacked U.S. foreign policy. He said of former defense undersecretary Douglas Feith: “Seldom in my life have I met a dumber man.” Addressing scholars, journalists and others at the New America Foundation, Wilkerson accused Bush of “cowboyism” and said he had viewed Condoleezza Rice as “extremely weak.” Of American diplomacy, he fretted, “I’m not sure the State Department even exists anymore.”

  1. Smith says:

    I think you’re right, John. Miers was just too big a pill for conservatives to swallow. (Me included.) This nomination smelled right from the start.

    Bush: “Well we’ve been searching high and low for the next great legal mind to sit on our highest court and … lookie here, she just happens to be my own personal lawyer that I’ve known for years and my wife thinks is just grand!”

    Meirs: “Golly, sir, you’re so kind. But you always were such a wonderful man, and your wife is nice too.”

    We’ve choked down bad budgets, Homeland Security, the TSA, twelve million illegals, rebuilding New Orleans … but nominating a light-weight flunky to the Supreme Court is a betrayal of our soul.

    (Note: *soul*

  2. John Schumann says:

    I like the cut of his jib.

  3. Michael Reed says:

    Okay Bush is a moron, Cheney is a crook ( Kerry was no better) but what kind of idiot suggests that the people responsible for foreign policy can hijack it.

    His next rant will be how the CEO and VP’s at Ford have hijacked their car building policy. Sheesh, John, you should be ashamed for giving him any press.

  4. Improbus says:

    He is just spelling out what we knew all along. Our great country is going down the tubes and I can’t seem to find enough energy to care.

  5. James Hill says:

    Only if both the Miers nomination and Rove probe both go against Bush. At that point Bush is screwed.

    That being said, I doubt both happen.

  6. pendrake says:

    Current oxymoron making the rounds: “conservative soul”. The evidence is clear. This administration and the people behind it have one goal: self enrichment. And that goal has been achieved admirably. What are all these conservatives complaining about? They got what they wanted! They want unfettered access to the public Treasury, small portions of which had been previously doled out to undeserving people in need.

    True “conservative” Americans KNOW that to the winners go the spoils; the deserving ones are coming back for theirs. And the way you get to be deserving is you back the right horse, you consolidate your power base, and you crush the competition. The sad thing is that it’s only now, after re-electing this empty suit, that people are stating the obvious. Spare me the conservative angst. You folks propped up this fraud through five years of unbridled incompetence and greed.

  7. GregAllen says:

    On a different note… it seems like the Democrats are putting too much faith in Bush & Co self destructing. They calculated that Bush’s (and the GOPs) OBVIOUSLY ABYSMAL performance record would be enough to win in 2004. It wasn’t.

    The Dems need to seize the day.

    For starters, they need to win over the moderate-conservatives who are waking up and realizing what a DISASTER the neo-cons have been.

    At the very least, they have to ally themselves with the TOTALLY PISSED OFF Republican military personnel, government workers, families of servicemen, veterans etc who have been totally screwed over by their own party and are ready to jump ship.

    But, I’m guessing that most of these don’t really care about Miers that much. The Dems are only going to get minimal traction with this issue.


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