A wind power plant in Dabancheng

Greenpeace on Monday called for greater investment in wind turbines in China, the world’s top coal consumer, saying Beijing’s ambitious target for renewable energy means it could emerge the global top wind power by 2020.

“We need to stop financing problems and have to start financing the solution,” campaigner Robin Oakley told reporters on board vessel Rainbow Warrior, operated by Greenpeace, as a blanket of smog covered Hong Kong.

“It (China) has enormous wind resources … The Chinese government is recognizing that,” Oakley said, while announcing a study on wind potential in the southern Chinese province of Guangdong, known as the world’s manufacturing center.

In February, China’s parliament passed a renewable energy law, which will take effect next January, which sets tariffs in favor of non-fossil energy such as water, wind and solar power.

The AFP article about this press release says, “Coal-burning is the number one source of pollution in China, the world’s number one coal producer whose cities are often hit by thick smog.” The smog-part is correct. However, a significant portion results from household coal fires for cooking and heating much as it was in the “good old days” in the UK. A completely different question.

With Beijing aiming to build 20 gigawatts of wind power by the year 2020, Graham White, managing director of Garrad Hassan Pacific Pty Ltd. from Australia said China was likely to overtake Germany, Spain, the United States and India as the top wind user.

The official from Garrad Hassan, which conducted the study on behalf of Greenpeace, said the target compared with the world’s total installed wind capacity of 55 gigawatts presently.

China’s approach really isn’t especially different from Western governments — though well ahead of the US. They are capable of matching what’s proposed and growing, for example, in the UK, e.g., 10-12% of all electricity. Blair, in the UK, is perfectly willing to sell out wind power for votes from the so-called environmentalists who oppose wind power there.

A parallel analysis of the China projects is available from US researchers here — from the viewpoint of profit vs. subsidy. The point is well taken that China can reduce costs by building their own wind turbines instead of relying on imported hardware.

  1. mike cannali says:

    Put these windmills along the Washington DC beltway
    With all the hot air and spin in that town – it will be limitless energy.

  2. gquaglia says:

    This could be done in this country too, but there is too much oposition from those who think they are ugly and will drive down their home prices.

    These are the same morons that complain about high energy costs, go figure.

  3. Ovbiousman says:

    If we could harness the power of stupidity, we could attach machines to George W. Bush, the fascist US government representatives & their constituents the corporations, & all the other morons who defend them in this blog’s comment section. It’s the one true cold fusion! It knows no bounds & grows by the second, expanding like the universe!

  4. Tod says:

    China REQUIRES renewable resources,
    US (Ecologists, wasn’t it?) sues to stop renewable resources.
    Something about killing birds?…
    Have to ask my dad (He’s a zoologist, occasionally doing contract work for the Gov.)

    Kinda reminds ya of the Chicken Littles screwing up NukePower, then, ’cause what was allowed was already broken, complaining about the rest but not taking the responsibility for breaking it in the first place.

    If I feel enough motivation, and if I can re-find the links, I’ll see about posting more, sometime.

  5. Awake says:

    There’s other interesting related facts to this:
    a) The country that drives the most fuel efficient cars on average: China.
    b) The cost of wind power is now equal or less than that of petroleum power.
    c) The least fuel efficient country: USA.
    d) The biggest oil consumer: USA.

    Things they are changing, and not for the better for the average American. BTW, anyone remember that before “W” took power a barrel of oil was $19, and fuel efficiency was actually higher than today? Is there anything positive about the last 6 years concerning the energy situation in America?


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