Hey, I know it’s San Francisco and all, but does anyone really want to see this huge billboard as the first thing you see when coming over the SF-Bay Bridge into the city? A guys crotch? Is this supposed to actually sell jeans? Ewwwwww.

  1. R Taylor says:

    John we have to accept that we are 1.5 generations beyond this targeted demographic. I find myself more and more sitting around in a state of confusion and sounded too much like my grandfather and father rambling on about the lack of respect and values. 😉

  2. Michael G says:

    Forget that, The new Brawny commercial show a guy with a bulge in his pants.

    The one with the smooth voice over, he is baking a cake, and holding a puppy, When he turns to face the camera you can see his ‘bulge’

  3. MissM says:

    I prefer the billboard to the boob(s). 🙂

  4. Tom T. says:

    A&F marketing always puzzled me. I know they generated a lot of press with their oversexed and underdressed catalog a few years back. But isn’t the idea to sell clothes? If you’re selling gloves, you don’t publish ads with bare hands in them, do you?
    American retail marketing has passed me behind. Time to go all fetal in the shower again.

  5. Ima Fish says:

    I agree with Tom T. Does anyone remember Benetton?! They had utterly vague ads and now they’re out of business. While Old Navy tells us exactly what they sell and they’re profitable. Why don’t clothing retailers learn from this?!

  6. CmdrTaco says:

    Maybe it’s just a Larry David pants tent…

    I am of the generation this is being marketed to (I assume) and I don’t really like it. It’s just stupid. I don’t wear their crap anyway, and this ad is just another reason why.

  7. meetsy says:

    May NOT sell jeans, but it does sell condoms, irons, and *maybe* some anti-wrinkle cream and breath mints.

  8. telepathink says:

    If there is some pretty slim woman, would you all be happy? I have seen far worse billboards.
    And I don’t care which jeans company I am buying stuff at – I am always happy to find the first one that fit and won’t rob my wallet.

  9. raindog says:

    Considering how many shots of guys wearing those exact jeans I saw in press and blogger coverage of the Folsom and Castro Street Fairs last month, I’m thinking that ad is TOTALLY appropriate for its location.

  10. David M. Bishop says:

    Well, here in NYC we have a 15-story billboard (actually the entire east and west sides of an apartment building) of a lingere model shown from her neck to her knees. It is located along the Long Island Expressway where it meets the Brooklyn-Queens Expressway (if you know the area). There is actually a call to have it removed since it has caused a number of accidents.

  11. ~ says:

    First off, it’s a class thing. Old Navy can tell you what they’re selling because they’re cheap and they’re marketing to a certain segment.

    A&F is marketing to a different market segment, and sex appeal has a lot to do with how much you’ll pay for jeans. They want you to feel special. Old Navy does not do this.

    And number two: you’re whining about ONE billboard? Oh PLEASE. How many women’s body parts are on display every single day in every corner of North America. Talk about a double standard.

  12. kit says:

    Well, first of all, I think it’s kind of hot.

    Secondly, even though I consider wearing Abercrombie tantamount to a forehead tatoo reading ‘I just had a frontal lobotomy and can no longer think for myself,’ this ad does make me want to reconsider my hard line, anti-Abercrombie stance.

    Thirdly, I appreciate the photographic talent and design aesthetic that went into the ad: clean, simple lines, emphasizing the product and the statement behind it without a gimicky slogan or other frills common to billboards.

    Also, to ‘Ima Fish:’ I don’t think I was around for Benetton’s (apparently) short-lived US stint, but in Italy, they have been a lasting presence since the eighties as a moderately priced Gap equivalent. In Italy and the rest of Europe, they I remember them having a rather striking ad campaign featuring up-close photos of faces, models ranging from small children to the elderly.

  13. Right!
    SO I did not hear you complaining about Victoria Secret ads, with breasts spilling over the bra. Gosh, I can’t believe you can be so shovinistic.

  14. Rob Barac says:

    LOL. The conservatism of those south of the border always blows me away.

  15. NumLock says:

    As the generation targeted, the advertisement doesn’t sell pants for an additional reason besides aesthetic, they look mighty uncomfortable!

  16. meetsy says:

    Ima…now WHAT does “old navy” sell, and who buys it?

  17. mike cannali says:

    Pun intended: One’s viewpoint on this ad is dependent on their orientation. That stated, within hetero couples, most clothing choices are made, or heavily influanced by women anyway. What do they want to put on their man? What does he feel attacts her?

    Either way, it is effective marketing and PR. The billboard achieved the principle objective of advertising; it got you to remember the product, and even refer others to the ad.

    Just wait for the Preparation H follow-on.

  18. Actually I counted 2 subliminal images used in this billbord.
    His hand is on the base of one!
    The other one you need to squint yor eyes a bit and it may just pop out at you.

    ROTFLOL all you want its true

    This is no accident its planned out by the advertiser to reach a target market. Thus brand associated with certain feeling etc.

  19. LorieAnn says:

    If you are in traffic why not see what’s out there….it just might make your day better!!!

    God created man so women can smile…..


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