(Ananova) Musical breast implants – Computer chips that store music could soon be built into a woman’s breast implants.

One boob could hold an MP3 player and the other the person’s whole music collection.

BT futurology, who have developed the idea, say it could be available within 15 years.

BT Laboratories’ analyst Ian Pearson said flexible plastic electronics would sit inside the breast. A signal would be relayed to headphones, while the device would be controlled by Bluetooth using a panel on the wrist.

According to The Sun he said: “It is now very hard for me to thing of breast implants as just decorative. If a woman has something implanted permanently, it might as well do something useful.”

The senors around the body linked through the electrical impulses in the chips may also be able to warn wearers about heart murmurs, blood pressure increases, diabetes and breast cancer.

  1. James says:

    So what? She would have a port for a USB cable coming out of her boob?

  2. Chris Eaton says:

    How would you adjust the volume?

  3. Sean Chitwood says:

    It would be bluetooth. And I really hope they never sel one.

  4. CmdrTaco says:

    So apparently we’ve cured cancer, AIDS, and the common cold. Medical science doen’t have much to worry about anymore.

  5. Angel H. Wong says:

    “Your Honor, I was not fondling her breasts I was just adjusting her volume.”

  6. Squirrel says:

    This could boost the interest in becoming an airport security screener.

  7. T.C. Moore says:

    How out-of-date are the boobs going to be in 20 years.
    Can you imagine your wife having an Apple IIe in her chest today?

    Computer and Medical technology advance so fast. This idea is retarded.

  8. melt33 says:

    I just see it now. A couple walking down the street with ear buds coming out of the girls bra into the guy’s ears.

  9. James Hill says:

    The doctor saying that the breast would “finally be useful” should clue you in that he isn’t in marketing.

    Men that live with their mothers should focus their efforts on other parts of the body.

  10. mike cannali says:

    Just like the video iPod followed the merely audio variety, the next step in this technology would be video; we can call it a Boob Tube perhaps with personal 3D viewing or is that DDD?

  11. Honestly, A vibrator would do the little lady justice.
    And the man to invent it is none other than I-Slobs inventor Steven Job.

  12. jason says:

    So what happens when your… you know (getting in the mood,). You start to fondell and start changing the songs every 2 secounds. Seems to me it’s more of a distraction. I hope tax money didn’t go into this. But it probably did (sigh).


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