iPOD Radio Transmitter — Now you can more easily listen to the Twit Podcast on your car radio. An excellent product idea.

The new Belkin TuneFM lets you listen to the music from your iPod through any FM stereo receiver. Offered in a new, sleek design, the TuneFM plugs into the remote/headphone jack on your iPod. Just tune your stereo to any clear FM frequency, and you can enjoy your iPod music anywhere with full sound and fewer wires. It will be shipping in North America in November 2005.
TuneFM for iPod (F8Z015) — $39.99

Unlike other FM transmitters, the TuneFM features its own LED display that indicates FM frequency and memory preset – eliminating the need to use the iPod interface for frequency selection. Because the TuneFM is powered by the iPod, no batteries are required.

* Numeric LED Display: Shows FM frequency and memory preset on demand
* Channel Up/Down: Scans in 1/01MHz intervals quickly and seamlessly
* Programmable Memory Slots: Let you toggle between 2 channels conveniently
* Rear Hold Switch: Locks buttons to prevent unintentional toggling or selection

  1. Miguel Lopes says:

    You can plug that into any laptop to obtain the same effect, can’t you?

  2. Doug says:

    Hmm… you seem genuinely impressed with this product, but it’s a blatant ripoff of griffin’s itrip:

    and is relly just an update for belkin’s old fm transmitter:

    yes, it’s an excellent product idea, and has been for a couple years now.

  3. Eideard says:

    Folks may recall when Belkin was the stodgiest, narrowest producer of staid office products. I certainly do. What happened there? Is this the stuff of another visionary generation or what?

  4. Jon says:

    Seems nice, the scan feature surely will be helpful…

  5. Joe says:

    These have been available for some time.. XtremeMac makes one with an LCD indicator (I have one), and now Griffin has 2 new iTrips with indicators, all similarly priced. Belkin’s doesn’t look like anything new or innovative.

    And yes, it’s great for TWiT on the go.. 🙂

  6. Lou says:

    For what it’s worth, I’ve tried a number of different FM transmitters for my MP3 player, and I’m basically convinced they are all crap, including a $70 high end Belkin I purchased last year.

    I guess that might work OK in other geographical locations, but in my area, (New York City), there seems to be so much interference with the existing (closely spaced) FM stations that to me, it was virtually useless and required changing frequencies on the transmitter (and my FM radio) about every mile of driving.

    Anybody that buys a car radio without a line-in jack is basically being very short sighted.

  7. This device uses the old-style iPod connector — the headphone jack and the connector next to it. That means it won’t work with the new video iPods which don’t have the connector next to the headphone jack.

  8. While Ilike Belkins products
    I stand clear of anything related to apple and the Ipod.related
    Its over priced junk. the sound quality just isn’t thier and the average consumer has no clue that at least 10% of what they are listening to is
    is distortion
    I for one am against products that are not compatable.

    If you want Quality music then Sirius Radio or Xm2go is where its @.

  9. Ted Hosmann says:

    Do you think they figured this thing out yet? The other ‘wireless’ FM Tuners currently available are all JUNK. How is this one gonna be any different?

    BTW The best way to listen to a TWiT podcast is by getting in your car and driving to the Gallery Cafe on a Sunday. Can’t beat the live broadcast – hope I can come see it again.


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