John Snow, the U.S. Treasury secretary, touring this village in Sichuan Province to promote “financial modernization,” urged China on Thursday to take lessons from the United States on how to spend more, borrow more and save less.

Snow, visiting a thriving farmers’ market and a traditional rural credit cooperative, argued that China’s consumers and entrepreneurs were badly in need of financial prowess offered by American banks and investment banks.

With better credit, he said, Chinese families would be able to spend more money, buy more goods and perhaps reduce China’s huge trade surplus with the United States. “Good credit facilitation and consumer finance is going to help consumers buy more things,” Snow said. “We see consumerism and consumer credit as going directly to the thing we have most on our minds – the global imbalances.”

Can anyone use the words “fiscal” and “conservative” in the same sentence anymore?

Snow’s comments underscored the Bush administration’s newest theme regarding China: the need for the world’s most populous nation to generate more growth at home and less from exports.

It has been an awkward campaign at times, given that China has blistering economic growth, is a huge magnet for foreign investors and is one of the United States’ biggest creditors.

China’s savings rate is nearly 50 percent of income, one of the highest rates in the world. The United States’ savings rate, by contrast, has sunk to less than zero, one of the lowest in the world.

Here in this farming village of 36,000 inhabitants, the outdoor market was packed with about 250 vendors who showed Snow pork bellies, bean curd, spices and pastries. At Wang Ting Ting’s appliance store, residents paid cash for glistening new Chinese-made washing machines, televisions, DVD players and stereos.

Snow will probably order that “Buy now — Pay Later” be printed on our money!

  1. Teyecoon says:

    We want you to be irresponsible drones that can’t resist the mind control of commercials too. That way, your capricious and reckless spending of your retirement/security funds will help to offset ours. Please…we really need to bring you down in order to bring ourselves up. We’ve run out of credit worthy consumers here and need new hosts to survive. We’ll start you off with 0% interest for 3 months and only 5 pages of legalize fine print (that can’t be read or understood).

  2. Sounds the Alarm says:

    I love how the neocons, instead of fixing issues here in the US, and maybe having to have the hyper rich pony up, we just try to convince the rest of the world to screw up like we’re doing.

    Impeach Bush!

  3. Zaphod says:


    Whats next…
    “See you need these large tumors like we have..”
    “And these pus-filled lesions are really what the doctor orded”
    “C’mon have some disease.. its good for you”

    The idea that whats good for business is good for America is
    excrement and their selling it as if it were steak.

    Whats good for business is good for business alone.

    The time has to be coming, when the huddled masses will break from the huddle and make play on these psychopaths. Yes – psychopaths.

    Psychopath : an individual with no superego or conscience; because of this deficit, the person often engages in extensive antisocial behavior.

    A american corporation is just that. They have more rights than a citizen of this country and fewer responsibilities to the public and to the nation than any citizen. Their sole aim is the acquisition of all resources at any cost.
    They are justified and even sympathized with when they exercise their dispassionate cruelty in pursuit of the primary goal. “Awww they’re having to downsize”. The truth is these entities siphon away every cent of profit generated and turn a blind eye toward any future that does not resemble ‘further growth’. The downturn preparedness plan for most of these beasts looks something like:

    1.There will be no downturn
    2. In the unlikely event of a downturn, get rid of the workforce”
    3. In the really unlikely event step 2 doesn’t fix it, continue to siphon money, repeat step 2

    In corporations mind and logic – human’s are resources, on the same level with dirt, stone, and ore. Resources to be acquired, utilised and discarded when deemed unnecessary. They enter into agreements with these resources that require complete alliegiance from the human and none from the corporation, because logically humans have a conscience, and you can’t expect a big ol’ corporation to care about everyone can you?

    Isn’t that a bit like mounting a criminal defense by saying “My client is evil, your honor, you wouldn’t expect him to just do good. Evil is his nature, he can’t be caring like a regular person.”

    So now what? I don’t know. The foxes are not in the hen house, the foxes are running the farm. They’re with the governers, the representatives, their buddies with the senators, and they know the White House real well.

  4. Obviousman says:

    They have merged their military with Russia’s & anticipate fighting us toe to toe in 5-10 years. They have said so, & they basically have the lease to the USA because of our spend, spend, spend metality. Together, they have more nukes than us & more troops by times 5.

    They are doing what Tsun Szu said, “Every battle is won before it’s ever fought.” Bush, stupidly, is helping them by demolishing the USA’s finances, spirit, morale, infrastructure, technological edge by impeding progress, & allowing our manufacturing base to disappear. Later, we will be crunched by oil shortages & a decreasing value of the dollar = a depression at the same time no one will want to serve in the military.

    The Perfect Storm as he is exactlt the wrong man at the wrong time. This is all brought to you from a lifelong conservative Republican that can see what’s in front of his face.

    Goodbye USA as #1, hello third world Bananna Republic!

  5. Obviousman says:


    Fascism sucks & it’s here. It will take a LONG time to fix the mess we’re in.

  6. Sounds the Alarm says:

    Hey Martin,

    Only 6 months till the Nuremburg Rally Day.

    Seig Heil!


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