What’s next? Single malt Ripple?

Machine to age wine in minutes – Squirrelled away in his chemical engineering laboratory in rural Shizuoka, Hiroshi Tanaka has spent 15 years developing an electrolysis device that simulates, he claims, the effect of ageing in wines. In 15 seconds it transforms the cheapest, youngest plonks into fine old draughts as fruit flavours are enhanced and rough edges are mellowed, he says.

It may sound far-fetched, but the ultra-competitive wine industry is taking no chances. Wineries in California, South America and other parts of the wine world are taking a close interest in Mr Tanaka’s machine.

  1. Damian says:

    Jeez. It’s really that powerful?

    If one attached Steve Ballmer to this machine would Microsoft come up smelling of roses – or would they still smell like a orang-utan on drugs?

  2. danielcole says:

    this is old news – the crazy chick from ‘Northern Exposure’ did the same thing years ago

  3. passerby says:

    That cartoon is soo funny … =)

  4. Angel H. Wong says:

    *DING* MMMM! My 21yo whiskey is done! And it only took me two hours!

  5. GregAllen says:

    Sounds too good to be true but IF it is, then great tasting wine should cost about as much as grape juice, right? I used to live in “wine country” and this would be their worst nightmare.

    This would be a VERY huge big ‘ole deal for France, Italy and even California. And the end of a way of life in a lot of traditional wine growing areas.

    But, it seems too good to be true.


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