Bush’s approval rating remains at all-time low – Politics – MSNBC.com — More bad news Dept.

Public sentiment about the nation’s direction has sunk to new depths at a time people are anxious about Iraq, the economy, gas prices and the management of billions of dollars being spent for recovery from the nation’s worst natural disaster.

Only 28 percent say the country is headed in the right direction while two-thirds, 66 percent, say it is on the wrong track, the poll found.

  1. R Taylor says:

    Yes but like Jake and Elwood, he’s on a mission for God.

  2. GregAllen says:

    Sure, he’s at Nixon impeachment levels. But there is a huge difference. With the Republicans in charge, Bush and Laura could go on a “Natural Born Kills”-spree and they wouldn’t impeach him.

  3. pendrake says:

    And it only took people 5 years to figure this out? This guy would have been a one-term president if it weren’t for 9/11. He’s made a real mess of it on nearly everything since then, and the chickens are coming home to roost.

    35% of the electorate will support him no matter what he does (Harriet Miers is in that group, by the way). 35% will oppose him not matter what he does (he could legalize pot smoking and they’d still hate him). It’s the other 30% that swings, and most of them don’t pay enough attention to form any kind of educated opinion.

  4. meetsy says:

    Yeah, but Jake and Elwood wore black suits, sunglasses…and were COOL.
    Tis a big difference between the Blues Brothers and the Bush Brothers. Hell, by comparison, the Smith Brothers are cool….(cough cough)

  5. maria mulford says:

    You know he is like your family you may not like him you may dispise him but you have to live with him. at least till the next election. You probebly wont like the next one either.

  6. John Wofford says:

    Bush and company have finally achieved the final disconnect between the American people and their rulers. Our government is incapable of responding to the needs of the people.
    We need, not revolution with it’s connations of blood, but a from the ground up reorganisation of our government. We have allowed our government to become too big, too inefficient, and too distant from the people. Our tax structure is obscenely inept, we spend vast amounts of foolish money, our educational system is a wretched failure and our leaders pathetically eager to spend our money and our blood in places where we should not even be.
    Just how long, I wonder, can we coast on built up capital from previous generations before we suffer complete collapse? It’s not really George, he is but a sympton, an icon of our age.

  7. Jim Scarborough says:

    http://dahrjamailiraq.com/weblog/archives/dispatches/000293.php says it pretty well, “Violence leads only to more violence.” In short, Iraq is in much worse shape than New Orleans, simply because of the scale of the disaster. How is violence going to cure the problems in Iraq?

  8. Angel H. Wong says:

    That’s because a Republican only has to say “I hate fags” in order to get the vote. He doesn’t have to be good at anything, he just has to prove he’s homophobic in order to get the vote from the football lovin’ majority.

  9. Pat says:

    As bad as Dubya’s numbers might be, they mean diddly squat. First he is not up for re-election. Most of the House seats are not really contested and will go to the incumbent. If they are lucky, there might be a half dozen Senate seats up for grabs and the Democrats might get four or five. Again, if lucky. After the 2006 mid-term election, the House will remain Republican and the Senate will either be tied or a small Republican majority with the Dickhead still breaking tie votes..

    Why? Simple. The Democrats are rudderless. As a party, they don’t know what they want or where they want to go. Opposing Bush, aiming at Frist, and indicting Delay and Rove (and maybe Libby Lewis) won’t get them any votes. It will only clear away the deadwood that Republicans could do without.

    The Democrats need something to match the Republicans march to power in the early ’90s. Something like Universal medical coverage, closing the borders and enforcing immigration laws, and maybe even legalizing pot for medical purposes. It will only by showing the electors that they have an agenda will the Republicans ever start to hurt. Convincing people that these ideas are doable and needed, spurring debate on the subjects, and showing that the Democrats have VISION are the only way that the Republicans can lose.

    Although it is minor irritation to me, I can picture in a few years Republicans holding up Dubya’s tyranny as one of the best Presidency’s ever. I can already hear how Dubya won the war on terrorism and won wars in Iraq and Afghanistan with his leadership. They did it to Reagan and try to do it with Nixon.

  10. Teyecoon says:

    I say screw the “Democratic” party. The Republican’s have managed to turn the name alone into a four letter word. I say we need to change the Democratic Party to The Liberation Party and make this the all-encompassing moderate party. Most people are moderates and the idea of voting for either “extremist” party is just disconcerting.

    Sure, this would be like a “re-branding” but I guarantee you that this action alone would turn around the current unbalanced situation in our government and increase the desire of apathetics to participate in the election process. Of course, there would be less focus on extreme liberal views but the Democratic Party really has no identity today anyway except for those views and what good has that done as shown by the state of our current government? This is the kind of radical “out of the box” kind of change that could bring back the government to the people.

    This country simply can’t afford to have Dumbya types in power for multiple terms simply because liberals would like small fringe (ex. gay) groups to have “equal” rights immediately. This is obviously going to have to occur slowly and gradually for many people to adjust to it. As a result of this, the small loss of extremely liberal voters will be more than made up by the addition of moderate conservatives.

    Add to this, the principle of applying self-imposed campaign contribution restriction reform on the party so that it proves that it is a Party of the people and I guarantee you that it will be in power during the next election. I’m talking about a complete paradigm shift rather than just another promotion of a new representative.

    This would help the party system as it would open a gap at the extreme left for another party to serve rather than hoping that some “unknown” moderate party will fill in the center and become viable enough to serve the “true” majority.

  11. Gillz says:

    i think parties are redundant altogether. true democracy shouldnt have just 2 choices but a plethora. remove the parties, u remove the unwavering loyalties. too many ppl vote based on their prefered “team” and not on the issues. the character and apperance of politicians has too much importance these days too. can u imagine, in this media driven era, if FDR ran for president? there’s no way a man in a wheelchair would be elected today. Thomas Jefferson had illegitimate children. he’d have no chance with the dirtdigging of today.
    but i digress, the presidency should not have the powers possessed currently. one man should never have so much power, as to be able to veto a bill that has passed both houses. although a 2/3 majority in the houses will see a bill passed despite the veto only 4% of vetoed bills have been overwritten. not only do presidents have too much power in their vote, but also possibly in persuasion.

  12. robert jay says:

    Bush’s poll numbers don’t mean a thing; with Diebold controlling the voting machines, Bush could rape Sister Mary Louise Happy Knickers on camera before a national audience and he’d still win the next presidential election (if he was eligible to run again). The fix has been in since the year 2000 and a seething, angry electorate cannot change that fact…

  13. American Soldier says:

    Oh brother….look at where the polls are showing the greatest dop….the blue states. Duh….. In the rest of the world, or the red states (Jesus Land for you Michael Moore freaks), the numbers are stable, except for Oklahoma where he dropped seven points. Maybe those seven people just left the state. Anyway, don’t be fooled by these stupid polls that use statistics to make cows fly. You can prove anything with statistics.

    Free your mind from the loonie leftist media.

  14. AB CD says:

    Pat you’re right about the lack of an agenda. In the 1990s Jim Wright was removed as speaker for arranging bulk sales of his book to contributors to get around the law. Then the check bouncing fiasco became public. Now you have Tom Delay, Bill Frist, and the Ohio coin scandal. However, 10 years ago, Republicans sealed the deal with an agenda of reforming Congress, welfare reform, a crime bill, and tort reform and picked up 50 seats. The Democrats only need 15 seats. One key difference is that the Republicans were promising tax cuts after a tax increase, while the Democrats are doing the opposite.

  15. AB CD says:

    If things stay like this, Bush will do down in history as a repeat of Harry Truman.


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