Click on Image for full-size

Andrew Orloswski is also posting this on the Register. This is one of the things that came out of the recent Web-related conference in San Francisco. We reckoned that this was just the tip of the iceberg for the current spate of buzz-terms, ideas, memes whatever you want to call them. I’m inviting readers to add to this laundry list so we can have a definitive chart, more accurate than the one above. Join in!

  1. site admin says:

    Well I can see that this is going nowhere. Not unexpected.

  2. Esteban Barahona says:

    The image looks awful, send me an e-mail if you want it remaked from scratch (so it has more readable letters and a general better look). Drawing (Open Office) and GIMP may be helpful in the task 😀

    Real internationalization (as in: more diversity in website languages) and de-massification (as in PROSUMER! why is that term not in the map) may be added.

    With that said, I think the desktop OS will still be used for a significant period of time.


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