As Michael Brown showed us (perhaps for different reasons) it ain’t easy running FEMA. Think you can do better? Try this interactive game created by the BBC for a TV show on supervolcanos. My first time through I killed 243,000 people.

  1. Awake says:

    Worst simulation ever.

  2. Ross says:

    187K, baby.

  3. Lindsay says:

    Wee ! that was fun. What a great game ! Us foreign communist devils get to kill the godless freedom loving capitalists without risking our cowardly swarthy yellow hides !

  4. Shinkaze says:

    I just hit the play buttonand watched what happened….253K dead. I didn’t want to be bothered to learn how to control the situation, read tech manuals and actually tell the system to do much of anything. It wasn’t until after the damage had been done that I realized “hey maybe I could have done better”.

    Next Stop for me? director of FEMA!!!!

  5. MacLeod says:

    Hey, I will not have anything bad said about the BBC, it’s one of the most unbiased news programs in the world – unlike CNN. Who I noted discussing hypothetical scare-mongering situations – as if the New Orleans incident wasn’t enough to keep them busy.

    Can’t slack gotta keep the USA consumers consming. And I have nothing against American in fact I hope to move there very soon.

  6. Jandungo says:

    Simple, yes, but nice – something I may show to my kids – they’ll love it.

    You gotta admire the Beeb!

  7. Dave says:

    I only killed 78000.


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