“We know we accidentally tapped the wrong phone and therefore can’t arrest the man with cancer we heard tell his friend he smoked pot. But since we did hear it, can we pretty please put a legal tap on his phone so we can bust this evil doing criminal?”

FBI Admits to Making Mistakes in Wiretaps – The FBI says it sometimes gets the wrong number when it intercepts conversations in terrorism investigations, an admission critics say underscores a need to revise wiretap provisions in the Patriot Act.

The bureau’s acknowledgment that it makes mistakes in some wiretaps — although not specifically roving wiretaps — came in a recent Justice Department inspector general’s report on the FBI’s backlog of intercepted but unreviewed foreign-language conversations.

The 38,514 untranslated hours included an undetermined number from what the FBI called “collections of materials from the wrong sources due to technical problems.”

One more catch-22 where the good of catching terrorists puts in place mechanisms that might come back to bite us in the future.

  1. anon coward says:

    Reminds me of a Ben Franklin Quote:

    “They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety.”

  2. Eideard says:

    I don’t know if they’ve changed style in recent years. I kind of doubt it. The greatest number of phones the FBI used to tap — were pay phones.

    I guess they’ve had to change, come to think of it. There aren’t any pay phones, anymore, are there?

  3. Bill Knighton says:

    I’m against government completely, but this article doesn’t deliver. There’s a quote about pot using cancer victim being targeted that has nothing to do with the linked article. It’s BS propaganda. I wasted time reading a fox news story. Yuck.

  4. K Ballweg says:

    “…the good of catching terrorists…”??
    Can you give a single instance of a terrorist who has been caught using this authority? That’s not a skeptical question, I honestly don’t know and can’t make up my mind about the risks without having more information about the actual benifits.

  5. Dave Drews says:

    That’s one of the problems. Given the secrecy surrounding anything about the hunt for terrorists we have no idea how the information obtained is used, if anyone is actually caught and so on.


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