Google opened its doors in September 1998, and we’ve been pursuing one mission ever since: to organize the world’s information and make it universally accessible and useful. For our seventh birthday, we are giving you a newly expanded web search index that is 1,000 times the size of our original index.

So, I’m dating myself; but, I remember when it wasn’t so unusual for a heavy hitter on the Web to put up silly logos.

  1. Mike Cannali says:

    Ever notice how companies soar when they obviously enjoy their mission and how others decline as soon as the suits show up.

  2. Milo says:

    In reply to #2. They did roll out the web accelerator which works quite well from what I can see.

  3. Dermitt says:

    Google is getting a new facility.
    MOUNTAIN VIEW, Calif. – Google Inc. said Wednesday that it has signed an agreement to develop up to 1 million square feet on a
    NASA research center in the heart of Silicon Valley.

    Ames has been cutting staff as part of the agency’s nationwide restructuring. This deal with Google seems strange. Google is basically an advertising company. Look at where 99% of their revenues come from. Maybe NASA wants to advertise in space.
    Maybe Google wants to launch something into space.

    In other NASA news, NASA Chief Michael Griffin has told the editorial board at USA Today that the space shuttle, the international space station and nearly the entire U.S. manned space program for the past three decades were mistakes.

    I guess NASA is at the point when you just say screw it all, everything we did was a waste of time, our technology sucks so turn the whole thing over to Google and let them figure it out. The NASA chief sure knows how to boost the spirits of the troops at NASA. Hey folks, you guys just wasted 30 years! We are going Google. FEMA sucks and the former chief there says FEMA is great, it was the idiots in New Orleans. NASA does all these great things, heroic things and the NASA chief say NASA sucks. This is how leadership works in Bushworld.

  4. Dermitt says:

    SAN FRANCISCO – Google Inc.’s boycott of appears to have ended quietly, according to AP. Life goes on. We are going to have the NASA.GOOGPLEX next! This should be out of this world.

    Captain’s log, stardate 1312.4.
    The impossible has happened. From directly ahead, we’re picking up a recorded distress signal, the call letters of a vessel which has been missing for over two centuries commanded by Captain Gates. Did another Earth ship once probe out of the galaxy as we intend to do? What happened to it out there? Is this some warning they’ve left behind?

    Captain’s log, stardate 1313.3.
    Note commendations on Lieutenant Brin and the engineering staff. In orbit above us, the engines of the Enterprise are almost fully regenerated. Balance of the landing party is being transported back up. Brin, whatever he’s become, keeps changing, growing stronger by the minute.

    Captain’s log, stardate 1672.1.
    Specimen-gathering mission on planet Alpha 177. Unknown to any of us during this time, a duplicate of me, some strange alter ego, had been created by the transporter malfunction.

    Captain’s log, stardate 3289.8.
    I am faced with the most difficult decision of my life. Unless we find a way to destroy the creatures without killing their human hosts, my command responsibilities will force me to kill over a million people.

    I can’t keep up with the whole thing. I guess the plan is for Google to save NASA, since NASA can’t save Google. NASA can’t seem to save itself. Google is the final frontier, with ads. Maybe the new spacecraft will look like NASCAR stock cars and they will build a new racing team. I was coming around corner three at warp 5 and I got into the wall a little and I’d like to thank Google for their sponsorship and Moon Depot and the people at Coca Cola. Our crew chief pulled out the fender and we got her out of the pits on Mars and she ran real tight for the rest of the race. Oh boy!

  5. Dermitt says:

    Captain’s log, no stardate.
    For us, time does not exist. McCoy, back somewhere in the past, has effected a change in the course of time. All Earth history has been changed. There is no starship Enterprise. We have only one chance. We have asked the Google to show us Earth’s history again. Spock and I will go back into time ourselves, and attempt to set right whatever it was that McCoy changed. Enjoy your mission.

  6. Dermitt says:

    For the record, I have studied NASA and believe that NASA has a strong future. If the private sector followed the NASA lead, we would not have many of the energy problems we have today. We have wasted years of development in fuel cell technology, digging holes in the ground and the sea searching for oil and gas. Today, the retarded oil agenda continues. We just won’t be able to afford much more of this. I doubt that Googlizing NASA will bring about much of anything worth the risks involved. The future won’t be powered by Google or oil.
    If you want to buy ads, see Google. NASA doesn’t need to advertise.
    That’s the power of reality.


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