CBBC Newsround | Sci/Tech | Tongue-eating bug found in fish — So disgusting I cannt bring myself to run the picture.

A gross creature which gobbles up a fish’s tongue and then replaces it with its own body has been found in Britain for the first time.

  1. NullVariable says:

    its not babblefish, its babbletongue!

  2. Tom says:

    Didn’t those scientists watch the Wrath of Khan?

    These things must be destroyed!!

  3. Gerry Miller says:

    Send that story to diggnation!


  4. omi says:

    khm. it was featured on diggnation a week ago…

  5. I managed to finally forget about this a few days ago. Eeyuk! This is still one of the most disgusting things I’ve ever heard of.

  6. Angel H. Wong says:

    Cool! When we catch fish here in the tropical Atlantice we tend to find the larvae living inside the big fishes’ nostrils. Also those large bugs can be cut in chunks and also used a bait. Quite the poetic justice if you ask me.

  7. Angel H. Wong says:

    BTW here is another disgusting tongue bug link


  8. Donald Adams says:

    Bunch of lightweigts


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