As the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops’ secretary for education, Sister McPhee oversees Catholic education in the United States, from nursery school through post-graduate. Her job includes working with the Department of Education, speaking frequently at conferences and scrutinizing religious textbooks to clear them with the teachings of the church.

For nine months in 2003 and 2004, Sister McPhee also took on the task of clearing her name from the government’s no-fly list, an endeavor that proved fruitless until she called on a higher power, the White House.

“I got to the point I could hardly go to the airport, because I couldn’t anticipate what would happen and I couldn’t do anything,” she said in an interview with Wired News. “I missed key addresses I was to give. I finally got to the point where I always checked my bag, because after I got through the police clearance, then they would put me through special security where they wand you from head to foot all over. They would dump out everything in your bag, then roll it into a ball and hand it back to you.”

The usual No Fault Government results followed.

McPhee called a family connection who works at an airline and who had access to the watch lists provided by the government to the airlines.

Sister McPhee was being stopped because the list said that an Afghani man was using the last name McPhee as an alias. The list had no first name for him, and the intensive checks would continue until she cleared her name with the ombudsman at the Transportation Security Administration, according to this family connection.

McPhee said she called the TSA’s complaint line and left numerous messages. Though the recording promised that someone would call her back in 72 hours, the TSA never called her back.

Call logs from TSA’s call center acquired by EPIC have no notation of contact with McPhee until May 13, 2004.

TSA paid Landover, Maryland-based Systems Integration more than $2 million to handle calls to the TSA complaint line from Oct. 21, 2002, to Jan. 21, 2004. Of that $2 million, $452,000 was specifically earmarked for the company to deal with the voicemail backlog.

Still, no one ever called her back.

[Head of the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops, the Rev. Monsignor William] Fay. — personally wrote to Karl Rove, the top political adviser to President Bush, who contacted then-Homeland Security chief Tom Ridge, who passed the task to a top Homeland Security lawyer.

McPhee said the lawyer immediately got the TSA to respond, and also gave her his cell-phone number in case she was ever stopped again.

“When I came off that list, it was like a miracle had happened, and the relief I can’t begin to describe to you. It did help my faith,” McPhee said. “Those nine months were the closest thing to hell I hope I will ever experience.”

Still, McPhee believes that if she didn’t have political connections, her name would still be on the list.

“For me, it was trauma,” McPhee said. “What would it be for people who don’t speak English, for new immigrants, for people who don’t have the benefit of the education I have had? If this is America, this is a pretty sad commentary.”

Who you know still counts for more than good sense in Washington, DC.

  1. Dr. Funbags says:

    Good thing McPhee isn’t a common last name!!

  2. Dermitt says:

    All that Washington DC represents is a whoredom of corporate power.
    The state capitols are the same deal. Lobbyists, lawyers and ladies of the night all unite. Any area which has government as the prime industry is ugly under the surface. the buildings are grand, the food is fine, the drink is top shelf. The people are spoiled, the greed knows no ends and the STD rate is high. It’s what is called political prostitution and the big wheels are nothing more than power pimps with agencies to run, women to screw and villages to ruin. Washington may be the most dishonest place in all the world. Neietzche decided God is dead. But it took a 20th century American President, Lyndon Johnson, to propose a memorial.

  3. R Taylor says:

    Dermitt I have long been a student of history, and I challenge anyone to name a government that was without corruption. Believe me compared to many, Washington is squeaky clean. Also in the future you may want to go lighter on the sexual references. It clouds the revolutionary fervor of your message. If you’re just trolling for reactionaries it’s fine.

  4. Ima Fish says:

    R Taylor, what are you saying? Because corruption is inevitable we shouldn’t complain about it?!

  5. Dermitt says:

    Washington is just grand, if that’s your thing Taylor. I’ve watched the politicos in action. It’s nothing new. I see all these words directed at Bush and I think, well it’s not just Bush that is the problem or solution or whatever you call it. The whole Washington establishment is a sick mixture of high society and power against the people. Proof that God really hates us, thus we wage war to kill us or kill them. It’s all the same. Put the dead Mellons in charge again. The liberals, hangers on, right wingers, the whores, the swingers, the Georgetown cocktail party crowd, the defense policy establishment and all of the rest keep it going at the speed of hell. You look at a congressional member on TV and he has some flunky staffer behind him on the stage and the Senate is like some sort of example of do as we say, not as we do. Big oil, big telecom, big insurance, big entertainment, big sports, big time this and that. The entire national capitol is a big police state utopia with designer clothes. Bush would be better off running his office from a barn on his Crawford ranch with a team of horses and a bottle of Wild Turkey. They could just turn Washington into a center for the study of hell with the lid on. You can send the nicest, sweetest most innocent girl in the world to Washington and in 6 months she is on her knees, converted into the biggest whore on earth, serving at the will of some president or some other world leader or shaker, staffer or player. I really don’t care myself. As I.F. Stone said government lies. It’s just amazing that the place still has churches. Washington would make a hell of a city of the dead. The buildings could all house the dead and it might just be an improvement over the dead wood housed in granite. They could rename the place Arlington and erect a memorial to God in the White House rose garden. Paint the White House purple and convert it into hotel for lobbyists, NFL owners and realtors. Maybe the whole thing can be turned into a big French Quarter and the capitol can be moved to New Orleans. Nobody gets out alive anyway. Not that I’m complaining or anything!

  6. Jim Dermitt says:

    Anybody with the agree with me or agree with us or die state of mind is dangerous.

  7. AB CD says:

    Perhaps if they allowed racial profiling, this sort of thing wouldn’t happen.


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