I saw this in the store yesterday. Why would someone want to contaminate perfectly good butter with rapeseed oil (aka Canola) and sell it as a feature? Weird.

  1. Donald Adams says:

    To make it spreadable – as the name states. Don’t knock it if you haven’t tried it.

  2. Glenn in Minneapolis says:


    Because there is less saturated fat but you still get a butter flavor.

  3. Chuck B. says:

    But it actually tastes good (to me) and spreads easily! Also melts fast at room temp. And it makes me think it is better for me than margarine or hydrogenated oils. Inside each cover is a coupon for 50¢ off – so maybe it’s not a good seller!

  4. mexter says:

    I’m not sure what the surprise here is. Most commercial margarine is essentially butter and some type of oil, often canola or cottonseed. In my opinion, they tend to taste like fake butter.

    I no longer particularly like butter, much to my astonishment. I’ve gotten used to the vegan margarines, in spite of my still being a meat/ice cream eater.

    – ME –

  5. James says:

    My family has been buying this butter for quite some time now (I’m surprised that you just saw it yesterday). It’s super easy to spread, but melts really fast when left to sit out.

  6. 0x1d3 says:

    It makes so that it melts easier and is more spreadable. It is the only kind of butter I buy.

  7. Steve says:

    I bet that’d be good mixed with the chicken-flavored MSG.

  8. First Week says:

    I like the sound of Canola.
    The plane that dropped the oil on Japan? Canola Gay.
    The Italian desert with extra oil? Canola Cannoli.

    But butter with Canola oil? Why?

  9. Beren says:

    This has been around in Australia for probably over a decade… didn’t realise such products were new in the US.

  10. meetsy says:

    What is wrong with you people? I don’t care if it’s spreadable, or if it’s buttery flavored, or any of it. Don’t you get how awful this stuff is for you? Canola is bad, and hydrogenated oils are the WORST. They’re cheap to make, that’s the only reason that the marketing people have done their best to fool you, and evidently it’s working.
    For some good dietary information try http://www.westonaprice.org Try looking up how why canola is evil…check out MONSANTO ROUNDUP READY rapeseed (aka canola). Try reading HOW these oils are extracted ( hexane extraction), then try reading how hydrogenated oils have never been tested for human consumption.
    Look around, have you noticed that the people are getting FATTER? That pre 1921 (when the first hydrogenated oil — Crisco was put to market) the human body…didn’t LOOK like it does now…. we’re monsters. And it doesn’t have to do with the way we sit around….
    There have been no studies to see IF THE BODY can even process this alien food…with the extra hydrogen atom in it. Look at the way the guy in the documentary “Supersize me” changed in shape, rather radically.
    You guys are NUTS to poison your families, and yourselves with these crappy, faux foods. You’re being tricked by marketers to eat crap that is in no way better for you. In fact, why don’t you eat REAL FOOD? What is the point of faux butter….real butter is not bad for you!!! It tastes better, and it’s better for you.
    Try reading where the “studies” of the cholesterol were produced, or the studies that canola is good, or that soy is….. the FAVORIBLE ones were produces, in most every case, by bogus research companies, or companies that were PAID to find one result. The real research is suppressed, and doesn’t make good PR fodder.
    Geez….. quit being sheep!!!

  11. Pat says:

    It spreads soft because they mix / whip air into it. Compare the easy to spread kind with regular butter. The air does not effect taste or cooking.

    Chicken flavored MSG might be a good additive.

    In taste tests, spread on a cracker, few people could differentiate between good margarine and butter. Often they would prefer the other then to what they usually purchased. As with almost all marketing, the seller tries to make you believe something that isn’t necessarily true.

  12. MikeR says:

    I switched to canola margarine some time ago (has the “good” cholesterol) and use mainly canola oil for cooking. There are even high-end brands that compete against olive oil. It has come a long ways.

  13. Tub 'O Lard says:

    Geez, Meetsy, don’t get your panties in a bunch. Being fat is great! I feel like singing!

  14. Jim Dermitt says:

    Butter is too simple for some people. My butter has cream, salt and milk. For some unknown reason, there is this desire to make all sorts of stuff with some sort of oil base. House paint used to be oil based, which is good paint, and now it is almost all water based acrylic. Now we have oil based butter. Add a little pigment and some dryer and you can paint a landscape canvas with your butter. A diet high in oil makes you want to drive a big SUV and stop at Citgo mini marts more often. I saw a 711 selling lard. In one stop your could get gas, lard, a lottery ticket and milk. Maybe we will be seeing oil based milk next or lard based ice cream. I saw a story about Chinese cosmetics being made from the corpses of executed convicts, so perhaps the new thing will be soap made from the fat of Chinese convict corpses. I think I’ll stick with Irish Spring myself.

  15. AB CD says:

    Perhaps the changes in body shape have to do with eliminating hunger problems in so many countries.

  16. meetsy says:

    hunger problems? The fat people I see seem to be hungry all the time!!! They never stop eating chips, MacDonalds grease and wood chip burgers…and drinking Pepsi in “big gulp” containers. Seems the hunger problems are getting worse!!!

  17. site admin says:

    Canola margarine is hydrogenated..so all its benefits (if any) are ruined by its being pumped up with hydrogen atoms — that’s what makes it hard, along with your arteries. It’s an unnatural product in every way. Can’t be good for you. If you don;t like butter why use fake butter? If you like butter why use fake butter? I don’t get it. It’s like vegetarians eating fake hamburger. If you like meat so much that tofu has to be made to taste like meat then eat meat. If you hate meat so much then why are you wanting eat fake meat? Baffling.

  18. Jim Dermitt says:

    Maybe this is like the idea of adding lead to gasoline. It would be good for the engine valves but poison the air. With the way things are going, I wouldn’t doubt that somebody is out there working on meat flavored ice cream with BBQ sundae sauce. You can wash it down with an artificially flavored beer soda.

  19. AB CD says:

    Countries without canola oil seem to have high degrees of heart disease too. While it may be unnatural, I doubt it is the cause of all these health problems.

  20. MikeR says:

    John, I’m a little surprised at your comments here – you seem to have a real hate for canola. Non-hydrogenated canola oil margarine is readily available. Canola oil is every bit as natural as olive oil, sunflower oil or butter. You’re starting to sound like the fluoridation nuts from the 1950’s.

  21. Jim Dermitt says:

    I saw a Land O’lakes TV commercial today. They have a new wrapper for sticks of butter.

    They also have an education site.
    Welcome! In this special site, you will find lesson plans and other information for use in education.
    I guess getting the brand into the little minds is important.
    No butter left behind.


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