Weather Machine Controls the Weather – Cold-war device used to cause Katrina? — Crackpot or voice in the wilderness? Where is Wilhelm Reich and his “cloudbusters” when we need him? Where is Ernst Stavro Blofeld?

IDAHO FALLS, Idaho (AP) — An Idaho weatherman says Japan’s Yakuza mafia used a Russian-made electromagnetic generator to cause Hurricane Katrina in a bid to avenge itself for the Hiroshima atom bomb attack — and that this technology will soon be wielded again to hit another U.S. city.

Meteorologist Scott Stevens, a nine-year veteran of KPVI-TV in Pocatello, said he was struggling to forecast weather patterns starting in 1998 when he discovered the theory on the Internet. It’s now detailed on Stevens’ website,, the Idaho Falls Post Register reported.

Stevens, who is among several people to offer alternative and generally discounted theories for the storm that flooded New Orleans, says a little-known oversight in physical laws makes it possible to create and control storms — especially if you’re armed with the Cold War-era weapon said to have been made by the Russians in 1976. Stevens became convinced of the existence of the Russian device when he observed an unusual Montana cold front in 2004.

related link:
Stevens’ blog

These are both very Russian sounding names. It has been established that the former Soviet Union (fSU) developed and boasted of weather modification technology during the 1960’s and 70’s with deployment against the United States coming in 1976 with the audible arrival of the woodpecker grid. These weather operations continue to this day.

I have posted this page FAR sooner than I would like to have. I would like to have had the post mortem of Katrina from the National Hurricane Center to work from as well as a little time/distance from the events of this week so that perspective can be maintained. I will continue to update and add to this page in the days ahead.

Good stuff! Only in Idaho, the genuine land of paranoid nutballs and screwloose crackpots. California has nothing on Idaho!

Then again, what if it’s all true? Perhaps this is the reason for out lack of concern about climate change. But if it is true then why can’t we find and capture the device? So many questions!

This guy has got to be fun to watch doing the weather report.

found by Ivan

  1. agile says:

    Being an ex-weatherman himself, Letterman should invite this guy to his show..

  2. Gary says:

    I tell you when I will believe that we have someone controlling the weater. I want to see a cloud unmistakenly shaped like the fameous photograph of Marilyn Monroe standing over the air grate with her dress blowing up. I’ve seen clouds that look like Abraham Lincoln, Mickey Mouse and the occasional unicorn…Show me Marily and you’ll have a believer on your hands.


  3. Greg Glockner says:

    Bet someone could find it with Google Earth!

  4. haha.. yeah.. right..

    Alright, so the left wing believers have blamed Bush, the rest of the government, and now Russia + Japan. Alrighty… so who’s next?

    This ‘device’ is biggest pile of crap. Be careful dvorak.. maybe i’ll whip out my hodgepodge weather maker and send out electromagnetic pulses and send a winter storm right at your house! oh, and knock out all the computers in my city too.

  5. gyro says:

    And this weather guy made it to the “big time” in Pocatello! That tells me all I need to know.

  6. Dave says:

    Well, the whole thing about the “alleged weather machine” doesn’t really hold too much truth to it but I do think it is funny he noticed a change in weather patterns which occured in 1998. That’s about the time when the US stopped experimenting with cloud seeding. It is a form of weather control but it uses some form of frozen crystal which makes clouds more dense. The device is a pile of crap but there might be some truth to it.

  7. Troy says:

    maybe these storms were created by our own government to get the focus off iraq and onto something else….. wathc the news and you will see what i mean.

  8. Tim says:

    It’s the Illuminati, I tell you. They control everything, including the sunrise and sunset.

  9. oggus says:

    Tim, I’ve always heard it was the Jews that controlled the weather.

  10. charles porcaro says:

    Stevens doesn’t appear to be a drooling tin hat wearing nutjob. Accusing the Japanese mafia certainly looks loony except for the timing of the 60th anniversary of our dropping the bombs on Japan, and Japan’ crushing national debt, much of it energy related.

    The accepted method of punishing the US is the religion of “global warming” The size/devestation of these storms is our payback for contributing to GW and not implementing the Kyoto accords. The fact that Kyoto is a city in Japan is just a coincidence, right?

    Stevens cites Tesla, who has been made the patron saint of “mad scientists.” At the time his science was being denounced as crackpot, Eugenics held sway as the scientific canon of the day. Stevens goes on to cite why he feels the current scientific community cannot see his claims and rather clings to other explainations like GW. At least it makes a convenient cover story to fed the masses on the evening news.
    Is that science possible? Who can tell. It is certainly beyond my ability to prove/disprove. The are certainly other forces at work here. Pres. Clinton’s recent prizate smoozefest in New York with the power elite. It was reported he promoted more expensive energy to the paying crowd. Also look how $4/gal was being pushed as Rita neared landfall. It neatly dovetails nicely with the dogma of global warming. So pay no attention to that weatherman behind the curtain. Our media overlords have the situation well in hand.

  11. Robert says:

    Well Gary,
    You may not see Marylin Monroe, BUT, you did see Ivan do a 180 degree turn and Jeanne do a 360 turn and come back to North Carolina. I read about this machine back in the late 1960’s while in the military. I thought it was stuff along the line of 007 at the time. After all, Buck Rogers was the first to go to the moor. Right?


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