I’ve always wondered why people who drink too much and black out often can’t remember what they did. Now I know.

Blackouts: Walking, talking, flying high — and unconscious
“He told the nurse he wanted to talk to me because it was personal,” he said. “When I went in, he said he had gone to Seattle ‘on a drunk,’ and while there, his buddies had drank a lot and cut his testicles off. ”

“People in blackouts have done heart surgery and piloted airplanes,” Dr. Fischer says. “There’s no way to predict who will black out. There’s no way to do studies on animal models of blackouts. It’s a hard thing to study.”

…no hypnosis, “truth serum,” psychotherapy could bring a confession out of him because he was not repressing the memory, lying or being difficult: he never formed a memory.

  1. Brian Staton says:

    Hmmm…I wonder if he was drinking Bawls. Oh Wait, That’s Non-Alocoholic.

  2. Imafish says:

    The problem with the alleged “true” horror stories is that we have NO way to verify their truth. In the first three stories the people who were alleged to have blacked out had very good reasons to pretend to have blacked out. And there is no way science could verify the blackout after the fact.

    I have no idea if these blackouts were real or not, but I find the article biased and sensationalistic when it assumes they were with absolutely no proof other than an excuse to back them up. That’s neither science nor journalism, it’s crap pure and simple.

  3. Teyecoon says:

    This must be what happened to Bush. That would explain why he doesn’t drink and party anymore and wants to abolish female nudity in all entertainment. If he can’t enjoy it anymore (since he doesn’t have balls to produce testosterone) then he doesn’t want any other adult to enjoy it either. My guess is this is the source of how all “freedom hating” conservatives are created.


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