The best photo they can find? (Just pulled, now there is nothing!)

ABC News: Peace Activist Sheehan Hurt at Rally — So much for freedom to assemble. That said, EXACTLY where are the photos of this occurance? Everyone has a camera and a camera phone. Where are the blogs posting the photos? I mean, come on. Only the Village Voice ran a photo and it was lame (above).

NEW YORK Sep 20, 2005 — Anti-war activist Cindy Sheehan said Tuesday she was hurt slightly in a scuffle that erupted when police broke up a rally as she was at the microphone.

An organizer was arrested and charged with using a loudspeaker without a permit.

“I was speaking and someone grabbed my backpack and pulled me back pretty roughly,” Sheehan said, describing the scene at Manhattan’s Union Square on Monday. “I was shoved around.”

Sheehan, the grieving mother whose vigil near President Bush’s Texas ranch sparked anti-war protests around the country, said wasn’t roughed up by police, but was jostled when officers broke up the rally and arrested organizer Paul Zulkowitz.

“I think their use of force was pretty excessive for someone that didn’t have a permit,” Sheehan said.

Paul Browne, spokesman for the New York Police Department, said Sheehan had finished speaking when officers arrested Zulkowitz, who had been repeatedly warned that he didn’t have a permit.

related links:
NY Daily News Op-Ed

  1. Sounds the Alarm says:

    I hate to say this for I agree with her cause, but you have to follow the rules or suffer the consequences. How hard could it have been to get a permit?

  2. James Hill says:

    That’s what you get for calling out Hillary.

    James Hill

  3. David K says:

    Here’s a thought…there are no photos because it DIDN’T HAPPEN! At least not the way it is reported. The only group more radical than the extreme religious right is, the hate-mongering organization currently using Cindy Sheehan as a mouthpiece.

  4. russellkanning says:

    This has a minute or 2 of video from the rally in NYC.

  5. site admin says:

    Saw the video..the place was crawling with cameras and I still haven’t seen anything that would indicate she was roughed up.

  6. russellkanning says:

    It is hard to tell what happened to her from the video. She said she was only hurt slightly.

  7. gquaglia says:

    I wish people would stop giving this left wing wacko any coverage. It seems like anything she does is news. She is nothing more then a hand puppet for the likes of George Soros and his like. If you ignore her, no one will even remember her name in 6 mos.

  8. K. Zuke says:

    Yeah, reports of Sheehan’s abuse are highly exaggerated. I’m surprised they let her finish. Man, how hard could it be to follow the rules? I guess they wouldn’t have been able to get this martyr video otherwise…

    She’s entitled to her opinion, but I think it’s sad she is doing this whole “tour” thing while her family back at home is imploding from the whole tragedy and she is not even there to help take care of the living. I doubt her son would approve of either situation, especially since he was a volunteer.

  9. Max says:

    Cindy who?

  10. GregAllen says:

    The verasity of this account won’t change my opinion that New York of 00’s is a lot like Chicago of the 60s… the police are totally at the service of the authorities and AGAINST the general public. New York is arguable worse, actually.

    I concluded that after the RNC convention last August. MANY MANY people were rounded up and arrested for the “crime” of dissent and because they were invonenient to the show that Rove was tryng to produce.

    I’m sure that there were a small number of dangerous guys who needed to be locked up. But New York arrested something like 2000 people! Most were held for the durration of the convention without lawyers and then released without charges.

    This was a SCANDAL and an OUTRAGE and a total violation of the our American values.

    But who cared? Not anyone but a few voices in the fringe media.


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