If you can get past the just-for-kids, oh so hip marketing and the modest, but suprising to see done this way, applications the Fly Pentop Computer ships with, I think this could have amazing uses in a wide variety of areas, especially as newer versions come out with faster processors and more memory. The downside is you have to use their paper, but if this catches on, that could be second sourced, cheaper. You also have to draw neatly and carefully. Again, that should improve with later software revisions.

Here’s a review of the Fly.

Hopefully, they will come out with a SDK so others can develop applications for the Fly. So, what OTHER applications do you think this could be used for? Let’s hear them.

  1. Sean Hickey says:

    That’s interesting, but I can’t think of any applications to use it for, cause I don’t think I’d use it. It’s a nice start, but certain functions don’t make sense.

    For instance, the built in calculator. You have to draw a calculator on the paper and then click the virtual buttons. Well, that’s cool an all, but why can’t I just write on the paper “56 x 87 =” and it announces the answer. For a student that would be useful. You could just write out the formula, and it gives the answer.

    And for kids, bringing something like that to school is just begging to have it stolen.

  2. 0x1d3 says:

    that thing looks really cool. Though like you said should probably wait for later versions. Does it also do that thing where you can hook it up to your computer and it will reatin what you wrote? If it did that I would put some serious thought into buying one. See if you can get them to send a free one to John.

  3. Edward says:

    Excuse me… but has anyone here ever heard of a “Personal Organizer”? They even have pseudo-handwritting recognition, store full text, have full calendars and calculators, etc. In otherwords, the are actually useful. This device is a cute ‘use it for a day’ toy, nothing else.
    This device was highly touted a couple of days ago on “Mad Money” on CNBC as a high risk investment that might just pay off as the XMas “fad toy” this year.

  4. twdldee says:

    Instead of using paper to repeatedly write “Dvorak sux” over and over, I could get this thing and save tons of trees. Isn’t tech grand?

  5. Caitlin says:

    When you think about it, just using a normal pencil works just as well as this so called “toy fad”. It’s ridiculous, I don’t think I need my kids to be so lazy that they are unable to use a pencil and their brain to do a single math problem, let alone a calculator. Technology is letting itself do all the work, that’s why so many Americans are becoming obese. No thanks, you can keep your “Pentop’ computer to yourself.


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