New Record for TV Watching

Suresh Joachim broke the Guinness world record for the longest time spent watching TV. He finished Friday with 69 hours and 48 minutes.

After passing the previous record of 50 hours and 7 minutes Thursday, Joachim continued until shortly after 7 a.m. Friday morning (EDT).

Joachim, who lives in Toronto but hails from Sri Lanka, now holds more than 16 Guinness records, including the longest duration balancing on one foot (76 hours, 40 minutes) and bowling for 100 hours. He does it, he says, to raise awareness of suffering children.

  1. RonD says:

    “Joachim, who lives in Toronto but hails from Sri Lanka, now holds more than 16 Guinness records…”

    Maybe that is a record itself? 🙂

  2. RonD says:

    Also, may Regis and Kathy could have provided him a tv with picture-in-picture capability, and then provided a feed of the people outside watching him. Watching the watchers would be more entertaining than a lot of what is aired on ABC.

  3. Sean Hickey says:

    I’m sure there are loads of people around the U.S. that could break that record, they are just to lazy to get up off the couch and try.
    And what does this have to do with suffering children?

  4. meetsy says:

    Correction RonD….watching STATIC would be more entertaining than what is aired on ABC.
    …..Must the children participate in his acts of Guiness Record breaking? Are those the suffering children he speaks of? WTF?
    Oh yeah, whenever I think of suffering children…my mind jumps immediately to some dude sitting on his ass watching television. duh!

  5. After 5 minutes I’m snoring, They should qwiz hi n what he watched.

  6. Pat says:

    It should be obvious; this guy has just too much time on his hands.


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