Gates on Google — Here is a long and interesting interview with Bill Gates run on I was kind of stunned by the following Q&A,

Q: So that would be the philosophical difference between Microsoft and what Google is up to at this point?
Gates: Well, we don’t know everything they are up to, but we do know their slogan and we disagree with that.

Isn’t the Google slogan “never do anything evil?” Is Gates kidding? There was zero follow-up to this odd answer

  1. clockwork says:

    would have been funny if that was true!

    but, in the prior paragraph he states:

    “…In fact, they have this slogan that they are going to organize the world’s information. Our slogan is that we are going to give people tools to let them organize the world’s information…”

  2. Jason Murad says:

    Why should there be followup? The previous answer contained “In fact, they have this slogan that they are going to organize the world’s information. Our slogan is that we are going to give people tools to let them organize the world’s information.”

  3. Michael says:

    Reported slightly out of context wouldn’t you say?

    It later reads:

    “(Google has) this slogan that they are going to organize the world’s information. Our slogan is that we are going to give people tools to let them organize the world’s information.”

  4. Calum Barnes says:

    Funny as that might be I think he is refering to the other Google slogan. That they are going to orgnize all of the worlds data or something like that.

  5. Many people have been commenting the same thing; I don’t know, do they have a slogan? Would have been nice for Gates to clarify on the cheap shot there; I thought I’d be a little more impressed with him. Seems like everytime Bill talks, I expect something horrid, everytime Steve talks, I expect the world. Maybe that’s just me.

  6. site admin says:

    It looks to be an example of “out of context” reporting. The worst kind. Then again…are we sure he was referring to what he had said? Gaes is cagey.

  7. Hmm… I read this article earlier this week as well. Are you sure you read it all the way through? I think this might be out of context.

  8. Mike Voice says:

    “I think this might be out of context.”

    Who cares! Have fun with it!


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