Weekly World News — So don’t bother going to work that week. Then again, consider the source of this news.

Discovered April 6 by NASA’s Chandra X-ray Observatory, the swirling, 10 million-mile- wide cosmic dust cloud has been likened to an “acid nebula” and is hurtling toward us at close to the speed of light — making its estimated time of arrival 9:15 a.m. EDT on June 1, 2014.

“The good news is that this finding confirms several cutting- edge ideas in theoretical physics,” announced Dr. Albert Sherwinski, a Cambridge based astrophysicist with close ties to NASA.

“The bad news is that the total annihilation of our solar system is imminent.”

  1. John Mangum says:

    Will TWIT be airing a special tribute podcast on, Saturday May 31, 2014, or will the TWIT crew be on the “space ark” on your way to the Andromeda Galaxy. Ether way I will be throwing a party in timesquare with the apple dropping at 9:14 a.m. EDT on June 1, 2014.

  2. Edward says:

    Don’t worry… the Galactic Federations’s FEMA is standing by to help us as needed…
    Rumor has it that there is an “Order to evacuate earth” to be made at any moment now. If you are too poor, unhealthy, dumb or are planning on using the lame excuse of “others need me here” and fail to evacuate in your own space rocket… well, it’s your own damn fault… don’t expect the Federation to provide rockets in advance of the cataclysm.
    But actually there is a plan being put in motion; everyone that can’t leave on their own should gather at their local Convention Center for quick and orderly evacuation. Personally, I would expect to stay there for at least 7 years, since it may take that long for Galactic Federation FEMA to notice you on TV screaming for help (FEMA gets their information from the government – and the government gets their information from FEMA)… and bring your own food and water for that time frame.
    Finally, since we will need lots of authorities, our best known security technicians (also known as “Airport Screeners”) are being put in charge of running each evacuation zone. I’m sure that they will do “a heck of a good job”.

  3. R Taylor says:

    So all those bad habits I’ll tried so hard to quit, and still miss I can start up again? Hot damn

  4. Clint Johnson says:

    Promotion or plagiary? http://www.bflord.com/

  5. Rob Barac says:


    Luckily we survived “Comet Lee” a few years back when NASA launched that uranium rich “satellite”!!!!

    gimme a break….

  6. Harry Kuehn says:

    This will be the last we will hear about this assuming this isn’t another internet hoax. US government would never admit that end was nigh. We humans think we are above the disasters of the past. There will never be large asteroid strike or a comet colision, “come on” they would say. If the Americans people knew for one instant that Uncle Sam was powerless to stop some on coming calmity, they would lose it. American are under the illusion that the earth will continue forever, and that it is outside of the Universe’s hostial intents.
    Life is rare in the universe, my belief, and why is it. It is rare because it take a million things need to go right and a million need not to go wrong. The universe filled with a sea of object both small and large and each has its own path, and from time to time they crash into one another. Of course there is entrophy, natural cycle of life and death.

  7. Richard says:

    Well, I guess that means we don’t have to worry about global warming any more. Parrrtee!!!!!

  8. Steve Brinkley says:

    isn’t the milky way way bigger than 10 million miles wide? Like several million light years wide? Also wouldn’t it be nigh impossible to predict the arrival time (down to the minute) of a chaotic mass, 10 million miles in diameter ,traveling near speed of light?

  9. Timmeh says:

    Im baking brownies in my pants here please save me.

  10. Bryan McLean says:

    Does George Bush know about this yet or is he reading childrens books

  11. scott sass says:

    i talked to a friend of mine and who is a physicist(sp) major. he told me that black holes dont move. now a dust cloud is different. but he also said that they dont produce xray so there is no way this chandra ever sees it. he’s gonna read the article and get back to me. anyways, if its true,maybe i can get laid by my gf

  12. TYPH()()N says:

    LOL tell her its real anyhow and get laid then be like “i read it in the worldweeklynews” fowllowed by her blank stare and a smak and a “you STUPID ASS”

  13. Memorandum says:

    “The bad news is that the total annihilation of our solar system is imminent.”

    1. This is impossible for a 10 million miles wide ‘chaos cloud’. Our solar system is 200+ million miles wide;
    2. By the sources, Acid Nebula has been stated by NASA, Chandra X -Ray observatory. Main thing is that nebula’s do not contain X – Ray;
    3. Nebula can only be spitted out by baby black holes. The black hole in the center of our galaxy is tremendous;
    4. The article about acid nebula was written by Dr. Albert Sherwinski. Person called that name does not exist.
    5. After reading the article, people should read the byline. The article about chaos cloud was writen by Weekly World News. It is a jocular edition.
    The conclusion. When i see the comments on these unofficial webpages, i make an opinion, that the internet is full of credulous children.

  14. Eideard says:

    “memorandum” — did you read the 1st sentence of this post? Why did you even go to the trouble of researching a piece of crap from WWN?


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