Hla Htay has three hungry infants to feed these days — a seven-month old baby boy and two Bengal tiger cubs.

A rare Bengal tiger whose last litter died has delivered three tiger cubs in a zoo in the Myanmar capital Yangon but an experienced woman is on standby to breast-feed the cubs if needed, a zoo official said Wednesday.

The Thai tiger, Noah Noah, gave birth to the cubs on September 8 after losing her first litter earlier this year.

Three cubs were born at the zoo in mid-March, but their mother killed one and refused to nurse the others. Veterinarians rescued the other two but had little success bottle feeding them.

“They had some difficulties sucking the nipple on the bottle. When we tried to get the cubs to suck a lady’s breast, it was alright,” said a veterinarian.

Noah Noah’s last litter were the first cubs born at the zoo for 16 years. Noah Noah and her mate were among two pairs of tigers sent from Thailand under an animal exchange program in 2001.

Her first cubs had trouble digesting human breast milk, which combined with Myanmar’s grinding summer heat proved fatal, Khin Maung Win, chief veterinarian at the Yangon zoo, said in May.


  1. rus says:

    In case you haven’t heard the cubs died back in May.


  2. Ed Campbell says:

    Sorry, rus. That’s what I get looking for a couple of versions of a story. The link is updated — additional copy added. This is the next litter.

  3. R Taylor says:

    There once was a lady from Niger
    Who smiled as she rode on a tiger
    They came back from the ride
    With the lady inside
    And the smile on the face of the tiger


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