BUSTING TO GO: US President George W Bush writes a note to Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice during a Security Council meeting at the United Nations. It reads: ‘I think I may need a bathroom break. Is this possible?’
via Reuters
BUSTING TO GO: US President George W Bush writes a note to Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice during a Security Council meeting at the United Nations. It reads: ‘I think I may need a bathroom break. Is this possible?’
via Reuters
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Do you ever take a piss?
Hell, is that real?
Why the two writing styles? Presumably Bush didn’t know the protocol there.
It happens to the best of us.
At least he didn’t just raise his hand! 🙂
But, you can bet nobody with a telephoto will be allowed in that vantage-point, again.
UGH, all my liberal friends have been going bananas over this since yesterday. I suppose he should’ve just pissed his pants?? Actually, I can imagine it’s probably somewhat of a protocol no-no if the President of the United States leaves the hall while another country’s leader is speaking…
So, will Reuters will next be publishing pics of when he rubs his nose during meetings – “President Bush picks his nose during meeting with Vladimir Putin…” Christ, report some real news for God’s sake! I find myself losing more and more respect for “journalists” every day… 🙁
I agree with the drift. But still, isn’t it a cheap shot?
Scary, but it looks to be real!
Hey, when ya gotta go…
It’s the exact quote of what he wrote that I find so funny. He so incompetent he doesn’t even seem to know whether he needs to go to bathroom or not. It’s like he’s a three year old kid going through potty training. (For those without kids, three year old kids rarely know they have to go until it’s very late.)
And he’s supposed to be SO decisive. That’s what everyone loves about him. But yet, in the note he has to ask Rice permission to go to the bathroom?! He’s the leader of the free world, simply stand up and say “I’ll be right back” for god’s sakes!
I’m surprised there wasn’t someone in the bathroom with a camera and a ruler to measure the president’s “performance”…
Well, ya gotta go when ya gotta go… though I couldn’t help wondering, if Bush was this incontinent, how was he able to keep still for seven full minutes after the security aide had whispered to him that WTC had been laid low. Maybe it’s the same rule of physics that supposes that that tiny plane could level a tower built to be landed upon by helicopters and withstand intensity six earthquakes. Maybe it also works well with how the tower1 and tower2 toppled neatly in place the way pros do it.
Maybe its the same sci-fi notion that that plane that crashed on the pentagon had no wing or passenger debris scattered on the crash site.
I thought the president never went pee!
OH GOD, lets hope he means pee!!!
What if the president sat on a toilet and POOPED?!?!?
He has got to be above that.
I always knew he was full of shit
See what I mean…?
Let’s have some perspective here. 1952 and ’56 Democratic presidential nominee Adlai Stevenson, known as an intellect and thus the antithesis of Dubya, was reputedly so indecisive that just before his acceptance speech he asked his staff, “Do I have to go to the bathroom?”
So, this story can cut both ways and goes to show, plus ça change, plus c’est la même chose.