After John’s brush with censorship, I ran into a case of my own that’s inadvertantly funny.

This morning, before coming into work, I posted the story about the changes to Office 12 that included a link to a cartoon I found on the web of Bill Gates. When I got to work, I decided to check the blog and noticed the cartoon was the red, can’t find it X icon. Assuming the problem was similar to one I’ve run into before where a site that finds you’ve linked to their image changes the name or something else to stop you, I went to check. That’s when my company’s web filtering screen popped up.

Bill Gate’s picture was labeled as pornography!

Looks like there’s one place where he doesn’t have control.

  1. bubba says:

    The filtering is probably based on excessive skin tone pixels in a image. Try changing the image to a purple or green tone and see if it is filtered.

  2. That’s what he gets for having an ass for a face.

  3. Edward says:

    Well, he does have a rather large proboscis in the middle of his face in that photo.

  4. TwelveTwo says:

    Maybe the filter deemed it too creepy and was at a loss for precisely what to censor it for.

  5. Mr. G. says:

    made my day a little brighter…thanks..

  6. Lobster says:

    Or perhaps being linked to by such an “uncensored” site is having its repercussions 😉

  7. Dave says:

    I checked the error message again from the filtering software. Turns out the whole site is banned. Something called

    FYI, I found the image through google and just linked to it in my post. I can still get to the thumbnail which is what I copied and used for the heading of this post which I saved and linked to.

  8. james says:

    Hot linking an image is considered bad form… save a copy and put it on your server, stop killing someone elses bandiwith please 🙂

  9. Dvorak, you need to make the images themselves links to the source.


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