While I suppose there is some possible good in having a section on the FEMA site for kids, I have the feeling the kids who survived New Orleans will be wanting to change the lyrics to something a little less G-rated.

FEMA For Kids Rap

Disaster . . . it can happen anywhere,
But we’ve got a few tips, so you can be prepared
For floods, tornadoes, or even a ‘quake,
You’ve got to be ready – so your heart don’t break.

Disaster prep is your responsibility
And mitigation is important to our agency.

People helping people is what we do
And FEMA is there to help see you through
When disaster strikes, we are at our best
But we’re ready all the time, ’cause disasters don’t rest.

  1. Roger says:

    A friend of mine composed his own version:

    Yo yo yo I’ll bust a cap on a looter

    Got 10 40 cals in my chrome plated shooter

    I ain’t down with no lootin’ or killin’

    I’d rather be drinkin’ and then go to grillin’.

    Stay out of my house or you might roll away

    in a am-bu-lance come the light of the day

    Yeah I got some food and some water in here

    and it’s all ours do I make myself clear?

  2. earnie says:

    Way to stay current Dave, this story broke over a week ago.

  3. Dave says:

    This isn’t an up to the minute news site. Currency isn’t the most important reason for us to post something. I didn’t find out about this until the 13th. And, I’m sure there are many of our readers who didn’t learn about it a week ago either. I’ll post and comment on something that “broke” a year ago if I find it interesting and relevant to events today.

  4. K B says:

    Of all the tired complaints among that segment of commenters who struggle to find something to say, the line about “this story is not new” may well be the most tiresome of them all. This is a blog, for Christ’s sake. Maybe we need to make a top-10 list of such comments, or a FAQ, and post it for edification and enlightenment.

    (The logic of the complaint is interesting too. It implies that once an entity reports a story, no one should talk about it after a one-week expiry date. Wouldn’t rascals everwhere love that policy.) 🙂


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