I like the “safe sex” message. It seems as if drivng this car would actually result in “no sex.” (Hope this site is not banned for mentioning “safe sex.”)

Well it looks like that time of year when I start to bomb the site with the latest in art cars. These showed up at the Solano Stroll in Albany this last weekend. But the real good news is that coming to Berkeley on September 24-25 there is going to be a big Art Car festival. Tne promoter told me that he expects at least 100 cars from all sorts of genres. This will be great.

here is the tenative schedule:

Saturday, September 24
All Day East Bay ArtCar Caravan
100 ArtCars from around the USA & Canada will visit Miller/Knox park in Point Richmond and Amoeba Music in Berkeley, 2455 Telegraph Ave (www.amoebamusic.com)

Sunday, September 25
Noon – 5pm How Berkeley Can You Be? Parade

As always ArtCar Fest joins the legendary How Berkeley Can You Be? Festival.

11am-1pm: an incredible parade up University Avenue

1-5pm: Bands, Performances, Food & Craft Booths at MLK Park near Cal Berkeley campus. All free!

For info on the “How Berkeley Can You be?” parade & festival call: (510) 849-4688 or visit www.howberkeleycanyoube.com

Here is the website that combines all the events.

More from Solano Stroll:

The “Who Profits from Your Self Loathing?” car.


Kids loved this car. Very Tactile.

  1. Miguel says:

    Well…actually I think your site was banned for mentioning sex.

    Today, while at work, I’ve tried to check your new posts and I got a message from our “filtering” solution that I was blocked under the “sex category”. Or something like this..

    We use the solution from Websense, meaning that, somehow, you got into their database under the sex category….

    So, this is bad for your visitor count and for my “working hours” visits to your site.


  2. site admin says:

    The site was not banned for “mentioning” sex.

  3. Canada Drew says:

    dito for me too, Miguel.

    I hate “websenseless”!!

  4. My work now blocks this site 🙁 No more morning Blog reading for me now. I have to wait till I get home.


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