Screen shot of Websense data search!

Now you know why these sorts of organizations can become a problem. My numbers tumbled today and I’ve been getting email from people at the USDA and elewhere saying the site has been categorized as a sex site despite the incredible lack of sex on the site! Google Adsense would have banned me long before now. I think something is fishy.

I have calls into this public corporation to find out how this happens.

I would appreciate it it if my readers would get the word out about this. I can’t be the only one who gets bombed like this. You’d think we were in China. Oh, no wait. The Chinese still get this site OK. Or maybe not!

  1. Robert Cassel says:

    I KNEW IT you dirty old man 😉 Now if we could just get you to do an eppisode of Twit Naked………..

  2. Jeremy McNally says:

    Maybe its because dvorak starts with a d and ends with a k, just like another word associated with sex sites….

  3. Wow! This has got to be linked to the fact that you get no spam. It’s a conspiracy!

    In the “information age”, those who control information have an awful lot of power. It’s scary, sometimes.

  4. Dj.Short says:

    Thank goodness my workplace has a terrible firewall

  5. Angel H. Wong says:

    *communist martial band plays in the background* What were you expecting? That they will allow anyone question much less opposse the will of the RIGHTEOUS right wing?

  6. laineypie says:

    That is absolutely crazy. How did they come up with sex? Or maybe the code word for “free thought forum” or something along those lines is sex. I can see the connection if that were the case.

  7. Stu Mulne says:

    It’s not a sex site?


    I want my money back….



  8. meetsy says:

    Ahhh, one of your many anti fans I’m certain.
    Sex site? Geez, way to go.

  9. Thomas McGrew says:

    That’s bull. This site is awesome, I can’t believe someone would stoop to this. We can only hope this is an honest mistake. Not likely. BTW, Love you on TWiT John.

  10. Luciano Cossi says:

    Hello. I heard you on TWIT. I thought I’d drop by and check out your blog. Keep up the good twit!

  11. Wysz says:

    One blocked webmaster chose to block Websense. It won’t solve the problem, but it may make you feel better. The page about the story is here: and the message that Websense sees is here:

    I’m guessing that since your blog is called “Dvorak Uncensored,” it was categorized as “sex” by an inhuman computer at Websense based solely on the appearance of the word “uncensored.” Or perhaps your child-safe portal was out of line.

  12. Holy smokes. I thought there was something wrong with my network today at work when I couldn’t reach your site. I connected no problem when I got home, but later tonight I saw the message concerning Websense. I’ll try and figure out who to email at our office.

  13. darkmane says:

    Pervert! 😉

  14. Alexander T. Augustyniak says:

    Could it be that the title contains the word “uncensored?” It seems to me that this would be the prime target of a keyword-based filter.

  15. Alexander T. Augustyniak says:

    It seems to me that the word “uncensored” in your title would be the cause. I would venture a guess that that word is included on many keyword-based filters.
    Alexander T. Augstyniak

  16. Ben N. says:

    Could it possibly be something as simple as you use of the word ‘uncensored’ in your title? Either way, that sucks, filtering sucks.

  17. Waynej says:

    right wing conspiracy?

  18. D says:

    WebSense doesn’t always block sites by “URL”. It has IP addresses in it’s database. So if a website is on a server that does virtual hosting, “legit” sites can be blocked accidentally. Yes it isn’t fool proof, but once reported to WebSense, they fix the database on the next update. Not trying to defend their practice, just explain how their database currently works.

  19. OscarFL says:

    I think this is a F**ing Outrage! Sure it could be motivated by a “group-uscule” of bastards inside a big office somewhere…You should definitely make a lot of noise on this… It’s just wrong to submarine a respected journalist like that… just wong. I’m with you Mr. Dvorak.

  20. chris says:

    Just saw this and wanted to just say that when a company scans and categorizes over a billion urls, a few are bound to be wrong. I aman avid follower of TWIT and diggnation and truly respect your opinions but being in this industry, these products definitely help corporations more than they hinder. Take – it is a huge spyware site. Even better, there are tons of sites out there that have keyloggers on them – if you simply play a flash game, you get a keylogger, then everything you type or visit is now theirs……….bank login, work username and password, the code you just programmed that new game with, everything. Not only that, but then it can be set to automatically uninstall. Anyway, I know where you are coming from. I will make sure this is fixed first thing in the morning.

  21. Beagen says:

    These tools really go out of hand.

    It’s probably one of those things where they take the word “Uncensored” and add it as part of “Sex”

    Because you know, sex is the devil, and any mention of it is pornography!

  22. GregAllen says:

    Oh man, this probably means that I’ll be banned soon, too. My whole (Middle Eastern) country is behind a “net nanny” fire wall. Gotta protect the public!

    My plain old hometown newsaper was for the longest time blocked. Nobody seems to know why. I emailed the paper and they thought maybe the fashion section. I suspect the personal ads.

    There is a mechanism for requesting that sites be reviewed by a human and indivually unblocked. But they make the process clunky and then they never tell you how they ruled (or if they even got your request.)

    This kind of blocking isn’t just a problem with “edgy” sites… it is a problem for sites that archive the internet, for instance. Since some of the old web sites are sexual, we get blocked from _all_ the sites. So even sites that we USED to be allowed to see, we now can no longer can see.

    Another example, is that the country blocks web page translation services because these can bypass the black list. They haven’t yet blocked Google cached pages but probably they will.

  23. a13x says:

    Where is all the pr0n? gosh talk about false advertising.

  24. Gage says:

    I was happy to send Websense Enterprise the following statement,

    So you ban Was there any investigation into this decision before you banned this site? There isn’t any sex in this site you bozos. You are part of the politically correct retarded in this country. Not only have you pissed off people but people with brains. Maybe you can appease the people who think that the fascist Bush is a hero but not those of us with their eyes open. I purpose a toast to your stupidity. Cheers!

  25. If i had a guess, they sent a bot on your site, it found the word “Uncensored” in your title, and auto-catagorized you into that catagory.
    I hope this gets fixed.

  26. Lonnie says:

    Hey I thought there was porn her! I like my porn dirtier than this!

  27. site admin says:

    “Uncensored” has been in the title for over a year..and it’s not in the URL.

  28. ZX says:

    sex has never been in my mind when i have thought about John C (thankfully) but maybe dvorak means something else in other countries?

  29. Adam says:

    I’ll have to try it from work tomorrow… Corporate has us behind Websense (which has made it fun to do news, sometimes, since sites that we are either reporting on or need for the news have been blocked)


  30. Charles Oliver says:

    Don’t let them ban this site or you’ll have nothing to plug on TWiT (by the way: 😉 ) !!

    Maybe John’s been doing something he’s not telling us about…

    The plot thickens…


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