Yes it’s the anniversary of “9/11”. But that is not why Bush linked it with Hurricane Katrina in his weekly radio address. As the above editorial cartoon from a couple months ago indicates , it has been a pattern of Bush to play the 9/11 card whenever his administration is feeling the heat. He would have used it even if it were May 11th.

In his weekly radio address, Mr Bush reminded the American public of the national unity after 9/11 attacks, four years ago on Sunday.

“Today, America is confronting another disaster that has caused destruction and loss of life. This time the devastation resulted not from the malice of evil men, but from the fury of water and wind,” he said.

Where is the mention of government incompetence that played its own part in the “resultant devastation”? I would think that someone who has decided to “lead” an investigation would want at least to make a passing reference to it in his weekly radio address. “We’re going to find out why you did not receive the help you needed” would be a reassuring start. Instead, we get this.

Related link: [Transcript of Radio Address] Be sure to listen to the audio too; you can almost hear him yawn.

  1. Shane B says:


    I usually appreciate your criticisms of government, even when I disagree with them. However, on this occasions, I think you’re off base. I don’t see how any radio address on 9/11 could ever not contain references.

    There is plenty of criticism to go around, I just think you’re off base this time.


    P.S. BTW, big fan of your blog and TWIT.

  2. They even used the RealAudio format, of all the audio formats to pick, it had to be from one of the worst companies this side of the Valley.

    I’ll install, if only for humor’s sake…

  3. site admin says:

    Shane, This was posted by Contributing Editor K B, not me. Refer to him in your critique. There are four people who post here. All I know is that he was dying to link to that funny cartoon. 🙂

  4. estacado says:

    “…This was posted by Contributing Editor Keith Burel, not me.”
    Is there a way to know who posted what here?

  5. KB says:

    Shane, my point is that the radio address is as predictable for what it leaves out as for what it includes. If Bush wanted to make reference to 9/11, he might have underscored concern about why we were so unprepared for 8/29 four years after 9/11. Instead we get predictable platitudes, and the public has become very willing to accept that as normal, which disturbs me, even riles me. Look at the MAGNITUDE of this disaster, then listen to Bush’s radio address. Do you find the address satisfying or lacking in answers?

  6. RonD says:

    KB – I have to agree with you. Bush seemed to be droning on in his radio address. It didn’t seem to me that his heart was in it.

    And for tunately for me the audio link you provided offered both RealAudio and Windows Media Player format. I chose Media Player, naturally. 🙂

  7. Ima Fish says:

    “but from the fury of water and wind”

    The Right loves to spin the New Orleans disaster as merely a hurricane beyond our control. Ignoring the fact that it was actually four disasters. First, the failure to fix the levees when everyone knew a hurricane would cause the flooding it did. Second, the failure to evacuate. Third, the hurricane itself. Fourth, the numerous failures after the hurricane.

    The way I see it, the disaster was mostly man-made, thus I see no reason to blame mother nature.

  8. R Taylor says:

    There are few of us on the left that can refuse a cartoon either picturing Bush as, or containing a picture of him and a chimp. It is a cheap shot and a weakness, but we have never claimed perfection. I admit it is insulting and disrespectful, because the chimpanzee is a noble animal. 😉

  9. Ed Campbell says:

    Poisonally, I find the worldwide consistency among cartoonists remarkable. The “ape index” supports every aspect of evolution that Bushlettes decry.

    With apologies to the late Groucho.

  10. site admin says:

    At the very top you see a code where it says “filed under..” KB is Keith Burel. I’m the Site Admin. That said I suppose this coul dbe made more clear. Most blog software puts “Posted by…”


  11. Pat says:

    I read and re-read the speech. It was everything I could have expected from dubya’s speechwriter. Bland, blah, and more bland. Dubya is a loser and not a leader. He will be remembered in the history books as on par with Buchanan.

    I do agree that the President of the United States should have spoke more strongly about the hardships the survivors of Katrina have gone and will still go through. Instead of droning on about 9/11, he could have asked us to all have a moment of silent reflection for all Americans lost through wars, terrorism, and natural disasters.

    Keith, good topic.

  12. Shane B says:

    Oops, I did indeed get the author wrong.

    Anyway, I just would like to see criticism on issues with substance, like, uh, why hasn’t Michael Brown been officially fired? I figure he’s on the way out, but I want to see the actual firing come down.

  13. Heywood says:

    “The Right loves to spin the New Orleans disaster as merely a hurricane beyond our control. Ignoring the fact that it was actually four disasters. First, the failure to fix the levees when everyone knew a hurricane would cause the flooding it did. Second, the failure to evacuate. Third, the hurricane itself. Fourth, the numerous failures after the hurricane.

    The way I see it, the disaster was mostly man-made, thus I see no reason to blame mother nature. ”

    Sure this is man-made but I really don’t see why it’s the federal governments problem that New Orleans levee system was flawed. It seems to me to be a city or state issue, not a federal one.

  14. John says:

    America Wake Up!
    You need to see that Bush doesnt care about any of the citizens of this country… Its only about him and his power to do whatever he wants…

    October 2004, Bush or Kerry? A new Al Quaeda video tape is released.. Bush wins

    September 2005, Bush let some thousands of people die because they were poor and useless to him (yes that s true), people are going mad against him… A NEW AQ TAPE IS RELEASED….

    I mean how far is this going to take us. This country is the most powerful on the planet and is lead by the most selfish and inept person ever.
    Its totally obvious that his heart is not there on the radio feed… thats probably because he didn t write this speech because he didn t even take the time to do it himself…

    Google search “worst president ever”.. its amazing how many results talk about bush.

  15. earnie says:

    Nice comment John, but why is the death toll only at 197 so far if 10,000 to 20,000 died. Thanks for the half-assed try at a connection between Bush and Al-Qadea. Also thanks to KB for a great post on 9/11 because remember it was a natural disaster too just like the hurricane. Nobody or group of people attacked us on that day it was just mother nature because we are such a big and powerful nation.

  16. Ed says:

    iTunes has a podcast of the address. A new one pops up on your computer every week! Isn’t it convenient? Now we can hear the world’s WORST “leader” read someone else’s speech every weekend!


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