FEMA Blocks Photos of New Orleans Dead — Apparently the First Amendment of the US Constitution is rescinded by decree. The fact is they do no want the public to witness the horror of their botched job. Where is the outrage? The bloggers will have to do it.

NEW YORK Forced to defend what some critics consider its slow and botched response to the devastation caused by Hurricane Katrina, the Federal Emergency Management Agency said on Tuesday it does not want the news media to take photographs of the dead as they are recovered from New Orleans.

FEMA, which is leading the rescue efforts, rejected requests from journalists to accompany rescue boats as they went out to search for storm victims, Reuters reported Tuesday.

  1. Lizzy says:

    i think that is totally wrong…*ew*! i wish i could see the pics of the bodies though… that would make this site so cool

  2. Rose says:

    Paul T. and Karen F. couldn’t have said it better.

  3. Teyecoon says:

    Rose couldn’t have said it worse. 😛

  4. Lauren Collingsworth says:

    it is nice what ya’ll r doing


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