HoustonChronicle.com – AROUND THE REGION A shocker! :)

The Navy has hired Houston-based Halliburton Co. to restore electric power, repair roofs and remove debris at three naval facilities in Mississippi damaged by Hurricane Katrina.

Halliburton subsidiary KBR will also perform damage assessments at other naval installations in New Orleans as soon as it is safe to do so.

  1. Emily says:

    but of course. bush would never cheat on halliburton. they’ve got him whipped. good job bush and cheney *claps*

  2. LuckyPhil says:

    Halliburton has the resources to do a lot of good in this tragic situation.
    Should they… not perform any repairs?
    Should they not do any business whatsoever… ever?
    Would that satisfy you?
    Seriously John, what is the purpose of this post?
    I don’t get it.

  3. Kathy P. says:

    If it weren’t so probable, I’d find this hard to believe… But the crooks in charge just don’t get it, do they?

  4. Chris says:

    …and what other company can do this scale of operation? Please, give us one alternative before you go shooting your mouth off.

  5. Justin says:

    Politics aside, Halliburton was no doubt hired because they are the most prepared and capable company ready to do this type of job. In fact, they are the only one that has the resources to tackle this in a timely fashion.

  6. Many of the services formally provided to the military by thir own personel has been outsourced to Halliburton and foreign contracters. The arms and vehicals provided to our military in Iraq were inferior and because of it thousands have been killed or mamed. Where are the young men and women who have been injured why are they being sent to foriegn countries to heal? We deserve answers to some of these questions we pay the bills. The cost for this service is overwhelming. It did not surprise me to hear Halliburton was being sent into New Orleans take charge of the Corp of Engineers. Have we outsourced the Corp of Engineers? Except for the General who reports to the President and the media? Where is the American Military? Why is the National Guard in Iraq? Do we have a private Army provided by Halliburton and paid for by taxpayers?

  7. Sounds the Alarm says:

    And we’re all surpised?

  8. Tom Hanlin says:

    Gross ineptitude partnered by massive corruption. Ye gods. There is not going to be a Republican Party in six months.

  9. site admin says:

    Phil, It was purely informational for the purposes of informing the investing public. Why else would I post it?

  10. Ed Campbell says:

    Puh-lease, folks. Anyone who believes KBR and Halliburton are being chosen because of ability is as foolish as those who think the Republikan Party is still the party of Lincoln. If you ever worked in Louisiana’s oil industry, you’d know there always were dozens of firms that did a better job at construction than these cost-plus wonders. They would have invented the concept of inflating costs on “fixed-margin” contracts if the aircraft industry hadn’t beaten them to it.

    That’s what KBR, in particular, always was. They got the government jobs. Even 30-40 years ago, when they supplied a drilling rig to raise the hulk of a Soviet sub that had a disaster and sank — under the guise of “test drilling” — it was because they were “trusted” by the spooks. Not because they were especially competent.

    We always toasted their newest contracts with the Pentagon as an achievement by someone paid to be in bed with the Feds.

  11. R Taylor says:

    This is emergency repairs, but anytime you do an end run run around normal procurement procedures it raises questions. These jobs would normally be bid out. Halliburton has just seem to become the emergency civilian construction agency of the DOD. I’m sure some other contractors has some legitimate complaints, and just not us Bush bashers. There are other large construction firms in the states.

  12. Miguel says:

    Another surprise: Big Oil successfully used the hurricane damage to get permission to drop that pesky requirement to clean up refinery pollution.
    There is NOTHING this band of crooks won’t do to further line their pockets.

  13. John L says:

    Halliburton, making money off American tragedies.


  14. Mister Mustard says:

    Is it any suprise that Cheney’s company, who made headlines for war profiteering in Iraq, would get to cherry-pick the profits from this latest disaster??

    With all the other companies bettter qualified to run the cleanup operation, for Dumbya/ Heart Attack to toss them this bone is nothing short of criminal.

    What do we expect, though. They stole the election in 2000, brought us into the debacle of Iraq, brought us to our knees in the current oil crisis, and “we” re-elected them.

    Truer words were never spoken than “no one will ever go broke underestimating the intelligence of the American public”.

  15. AB CD says:

    The company that can do things similar to Halliburton is Schlumberger which clearly could not get Iraqi contracts becfause of its French roots. I would think New Orleans is a valid operations ground for them.

  16. Milo says:

    What nobody defending Bush? Well I suppose I’ll have to:

    John this is a new low even for you! This mindless Bush bashing is weakening our war against terror. Furthermore by implying that Bush would be in any way less than perfect you have insulted America, our brave fighting troops and our LORD Jesus Christ! I like your blog John but you should just stick to topics that flatter Bush from now on.

  17. Court says:

    You should start a company that does what Halliburton does only better. Obviously you have the skills, resources and time to do it, otherwise you wouldn’t be mindlessly criticizing this. What? You’re just repeating talking points without offering up a single solution? Ahhhh, I get it, you hate Chimpy McHitlerburton too. Gotcha.

  18. meetsy says:

    nice scarcasm

  19. Bush is Love says:

    Courtney, so what you are saying is that you should never even mention a situation or criticize ANYTHING ever unless you can do it better? In other words, just shut up or write blog entries likes yours? “I LOOOOVE my mini iPOD!” Great. Everyone should shut up! Go Dvorak!

  20. Court says:

    What I am saying is that it is pointless to criticize without offering up something. Dvorack doesn’t need to do it or be better than Hallibrton, but is anyone? Is there another company that can do it? It’s just blind hate to say that Hallibrton is evil and shouldn’t do this when there is no better plan. If you’ve got one, toss it out. But I’m sure you don’t. Enjoy your hate.

  21. site admin says:

    Blind hate???

    In this post I wrote TWO WORDS TOTAL — “A shocker.” It was a snide remark. But how do YOU interpret “A shocker!” into BLIND HATE? Seriously, tell me. The rest of the story is factual and the picture of Cheny is pure humor. There is no tirade. This is funny! Get a grip girl.

    If I had some hate to enjoy, I would. They call me love boy.

  22. cednyr says:

    KBR was awarded this work under the the Navy’s current CONCAP contract. They did similar work for the Navy in Florida after Hurricane Ivan.

    By the way, KBR has been doing work for the US Navy since the 1940s.

  23. Nikolai says:

    Cheney no linger owns any interest in Haliburton. Why do you liberal conspiracy theorists constantly look for some stupid conspiracy to personally attack the elected officials you disagree with? Sheesh!

    I did not vote for Bush, but this is ridiculous!

  24. KJ says:

    You didn’t quote the entire Houston Chronicle article – the work assigned to KBR (Halliburton subsidiary) was based upon a previous contract awarded them by the navy in 2004.

    “KBR was assigned the work under a “construction capabilities” contract awarded in 2004 after a competitive bidding process. The company is not involved in the Army Corps of Engineers’ effort to repair New Orleans’ levees.”

    Print the whole truth, not just what supports your agenda!

  25. Frank Fone says:

    why don’t the Bush Administration spread the mtax payers mony around and give a contract to Bectel after all this is a republican run company also. The rich get richer and the poor don’t even get a kiss afterwards.

  26. JCC says:

    For all those who are quick to point out that Halliburon is the only company that can do it, re-read the original,


    Restoring electrical power is a Halliburton no-brainer, but the military does have a quick bid system and no one can tell me that there aren’t many local companies that can do a better job on garbage removal and roof repair, and quicker, than Halliburton.

    After spending 14 months in Iraq and depending on their services, you can believe me. I know for a fact that that there are.

    Its pretty apparent that Halliburton has an “In” that the rest of more than capable American businesses do not.

  27. Claire Mc says:

    Maybe the people who are so outraged and are defending Halliburton should get some facts straight and see how much money (tax payer’s money, don’t forget) they “stole” in Iraq by overcharging. Need an example: charging for 30,000 meals when they served 15,000 etc….. All those stories are quickly shoved under the carpet and you won’t see it on Fox News, folks!
    This is not about being Republican, Democrat or Liberal. This is about having crooks all over, especially in the White House, making money off the misery of others and having people die, both in Louisiana and in Iraq!

  28. John Mitchell says:

    Your right ???
    We should let the UN do the work….now that the Oil for food program has gone out of business…they need the work. Let the French do.

  29. Ed Harrison says:

    What’s the word when the truth is stranger than fiction yet at the same time so obvious and not a surprise and it tastes like when you vomit in your mouth and the only solution appears to be moving to Canada?

    Good God.

  30. Paul Wade Charnick ii says:

    I am interrested in getting a job to help our Country down in the South.
    If any positions are availble please contact me at (1-757-224-6824).
    My name is Paul and I will be more then glad to HELP!
    Thank You
    Paul W Charnick


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