– Intel-led alliance stirs angst over future wireless spec — Here’s bad news for anyone thinking that there would be an official 802.11n specification anytime soon. Apparently Intel, not happy with the IEEE process (hint: their proposal got rejected) decided to takes its marbles and go home and it somehow convinced a couple of its competitors to join with them in some sort of “deal.” And all this during an anti-trust suit? What cojones!

MANHASSET, N.Y. — Intel has convinced fellow chip makers Broadcom, Atheros and Marvell to join forces outside of an IEEE wireless LAN group to develop an interoperable physical and media access control (MAC) layer scheduled to be presented for IEEE acceptance by November.

By working independently of the IEEE’s 802.11n next-generation task group, Intel has angered task group members who accuse the Intel-led alliance of everything from co-opting the IEEE process to outright antitrust violations that could draw Federal Trade Commission (FTC) scrutiny.

  1. Shane Taylor says:

    Mr. Dvorak,

    As a person living in the area hit by hurricane Katrina (not New Orleans thank God) I take issue with your comments that:

    “It’s when I saw Bush “surveying” the damage from inside his 747 at high altitude instead of actually being Presidential and going down there and seeing the situation from the ground that I decided to link to this article.”

    The last thing we need here is Bush and his security detail screwing things up worse than they are. We have enough politicians on the ground whoring for the cameras. We need Bush to do his job and to see to it that this part of the country recovers as soon as possible.

    For the record, I am a Libertarian who did not vote for Bush.

    Shane A. Taylor, Esq.

    P.S. You are all doing a great job on “This week in Tech”. I look forward to each new episode. Good luck with the live broadcasts.

  2. Angel Ham says:

    And BTW It’s “Cojones” not “Cajones.”


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