Heartless racist captions on Yahoo found — Click here to see actual slides.

Yes, I seriously doubt that this gaffe was intentional. But some of these captions — such as a picture of a helpless woman who has done nothing while the caption says she is going to go loot– are unconscionable. All of these pictures are a disgrace. Someone needs to apologize for their publication. The worst part is when white folks are seen coming from a torn open store they are not looting. They are “finding.”

Found by TwelveTwo on Metafilter

UPDATE (9/4) : The “finding” slide has been removed and Yahoo mentioned this in a memo to the public. The still offensive looting pics of people with food remain as far as I can tell. Read the comments for a run-down.

  1. Smarter than you says:

    Oh yeah, you’re real smart. Six photos of black people and one photo of white people, and different sources at that! If anything, you’re making black people look even worse by showing how many black looters versus white looters there are.

  2. well duh says:

    Yahoo doesn’t write the captions, the new sources do. Those are different photos from different organizations. My god you people are too sensitive.

  3. site admin says:

    I was quick to attack and they were slow to respond. So I’m the bad guy?? How many days after the fact was that posted? And do you think it would have ever been done if it weren’t for public attention? So I’m the bad guy? Geez.

    Meanwhile, I have adjusted the post to reflect this news. I could have just as easily done it without your mean-spirited implications that there was something onerous about this story being posted in the first place. The point is, they still need editors. That was the original point of the post and I stick by it.

  4. X says:

    You’re a jackass. They need FOOD and WATER! They have no choice since help isn’t readily available. Go back to the hole you came from.

  5. Shive says:

    Yea them two white people were not ladden down with beer, nikes and clothes. They had food.

    FACT, niggerville got hit the hardest
    FACT mostly niggers were looting
    FACT niggers arent good swimmers but are willing to stay behind after the goverment said to evac in order to loot people.


    After a few days of watching niggers on TV loot, the USA is indeed seeing niggers for what they are

    Looting asshole niggers

    PS have a great day

  6. Smilin' Jack says:

    Nothing but hype, looking for a problem where there isn’t one. All of the looters are called that from articles published by AP. The one article with whites is published by a French news source AFP. But why point that out…if people are determined to find a problem typically they will…whether it’s there or not is the real issue. In this case there isn’t enough evidence of so much as a botched reporting job to support the negative claim. I saw them flying white folks out last yesterday. Does that mean they got the black folks out first to keep them from stealing? It can if that’s what you want to believe, but it’s not reality.

  7. Lasereth says:

    Uhh, it’s a different source for each picture. Not to mention the white people truly did FIND the food and beverages outside of the store while the others broke into the stores and looted it. In the white picture, the goods were FLOATING DOWN THE ROAD. They didn’t break into any stores to get the goods.


    The articles are labelled properly.

  8. Martin_22 says:

    Many black people were looting things they didnt need such as tv’s and other items of value. They were also responsible for the majority of the raping and gun crime and killings during this disaster, and this is proved my raw unedited footage. If theyre the ones doing it you cant help but show it,,, regardless of weather its right yahoo saying what they said, maybe theyre just telling it like it is!

  9. Steve says:

    The photographer who took the “white” picture reported that they actually did find food floating in the water after being flooded out of a nearby grocery. There was food floating in that flooded area, and they just picked it up. This is much different than entering a store and grabbing stuff. You can assume floating food is or will be ruined. But food that is still on the shelf could still last, had the doors and windows not been broken in by looters.

    It’s people that blatantly point fingers without collecting information that disgusts me. That holier-than-thou attitude coupled with ignorance. Get your facts before posting.

  10. Kinneas says:

    One instance of “finding” is hardly a case.

  11. Joe Rifcan says:

    This is just another example of some people going out of their way to try and make something out of nothing. What motivates folks to try and do that is beyond me. Perhaps it’s just publicity.

  12. Paul says:

    Look idiots, this is not hard. The white people are finders because they have a SINGLE loaf of bread and some water. Pretty essential I’d say. The blacks are LOOTERS because they are carrying multiple BAGS of stuff. Probably mostly Nike shirts and shoes. Before you idiots open your fat mouths to complain about racism, open your damn eyes, and realize its the truth.

  13. G-unit says:

    WRONG! That doesn’t constitute any racism. almost every picture was from the AP except for the one with white people. there was ONE comparison to a picture of white people and it was one of TWO total images from a non-AP source. quit digging into this more than it needs to be. also, looting wasn’t put as negative, even if the word typically brings bad meaning into play. it doesn’t call them criminals. and the one person who really is a looter (in a bad way) is the human trashcan who is stealing beer. of all things to survive on–beer dehydrates you. getting drunk with his family will surely do everyone a favor though, if he shares. everyone needs to let go of trying to find something in this, many of you need to grow up and leave the unjustified whining to young children.

  14. Graham says:

    Also, have you seen all of the pictures of these “NON-looters” stealing shoes and other unnecessary items? GROW UP and quit looking for meaning in this. There really is nothing in this, it’s all AP for the black pictures and another company for the white ones. Seriously. QUIT trying to feel so self-righteous. is everyone SO fascinated by race that they look into everything? Maybe someone should talk to the genius critic Kanye West haha. Wow everybody, way to participate.

  15. Jon says:

    this is pathetic…not because the “looters” vs. “finders” thing…but because someone noticed it… that person is the rascist…without people noticing subtle mistakes that happen in life racism would die…but because of people who believe they are targets of racism, it will live forever…& they deserve it for being so ignorent

  16. alfredo says:

    poor america

  17. Pat Wilson says:

    Racism is so systemic in our country that even when it is blatant,
    there are those who deny it. Until we come clean and admit we have a
    problem and are willing to address it and begin healing the wounds,
    America will never achieve liberty and justice for all. Surely,
    we’re better than that.

  18. Matt says:

    those captions are extremely embarassing, but it is very telling about something that is very wrong with my country.

  19. Kevin says:

    Look at the first damn picture you saw. If you were in that situation then why the hell would you need beer to survive. The blacks in this country need to shut the hell up. I’m not a racist, never have been and never will be, but when you see the decent people down there, blacks included just before you twist that comment to, and you watch them go into a store and get food then they are not looting, but when you see people walking down the street with 6 pairs a sneakers and a TV then thats looting. And stop blaming the fucking country for the lack of help because within a week those people already had millions and millions of our dollars going there and helping them. Its gona take awhile to get it all together, you stupid people think you can do better? Then why dont you go there and prove it. Also, KANYE WEST needs to be shot!!!!!

  20. Casper says:

    “And what we see here hardly constitutes looting in any real sense. These are people trying to get some food to keep from starving to death. ” The guy in the first picture is carrying a tub full of beer. Survival my a**.

  21. Jorge says:

    “I have no idea who wrote these captions but I suspect it was the photo agencies”

    Uhh, The Associated Press, maybe? Except the one by AFP (Agence France Wi Wi Whatever). Are you all just now seeing the flaws of the Media???

  22. mr_egoiste says:

    Oh man, this is the best thing I’ve seen during this whole tragedy. HA! So funny.

  23. Phenix says:

    I would definetly say that there is a difference between “Looting” and “Surviving”. The man in the first pic is UNQUESTIONABLY looting. With what standards does one live by when beer of all things is a survival item? Is he trying to drink away his sorrows? A lot of good it’ll do him. The other photos show people towing garbage bags through the water, saying nothing about the contents. One couldn’t accurately say that they were looting or surviving. The picture depicting the two white people labeled as “finders” indicates that they have BREAD and SODA. Granted, soda isn’t the healthiest choice, but it is in a sealed container, and therefore, probably safe in the waters. There are undoubtedly other pictures that depict white people as “looters” as well, but we didn’t bother to look for any of those now did we? All we needed was enough to make the point that we wanted to convey. If you’re taking a plasma TV, you’re looting. If you’re taking FOOD AND DRINK, you’re surviving.


  24. Nisha says:

    You have a valid point. The editors (if there were any) did a very poor job here. I don’t see how they can refer to the white people as “finding” food and the black people as “looting” it. That IS pathetic. But I can’t give you credit for the first pic. That’s BEER, Not FOOD he’s taking there. Since BEER is not necessary to our survival, I call that looting.

  25. Jay says:

    That first statement was just idiotic. I completely agree with the “looting” of food and water but that’s it. We all know people of all races took what was needed in these times. But I also know for a fact that people of all races LOOTED my place of business. You don’t see me bitching and complaining about it, i’m doing what I need to get on with things. All ya’ll care about is damn racism and it’s ashame. There are so many good people in this city, and there are very few who are responsible for giving New Orleans such a bad name. So instead of worrying about the image and perception of your race, why don’t you focus your attention on doing your part to make things better. Who knows maybe that will get published somewhere showing a black person doing some good, that would go a long way in helping the perception of African Americans in New Orleans. If everyone did a little good on their part instead of worrying about how they are perceived, this city would be a hell of a lot better place than it was before this disaster happened.

  26. Cobra says:

    You want an image of a REAL looter?


    To the tune of Billions…..but that’s apparently fine with many conservatives.


  27. shucky says:

    this site is race-baiting. it is obvious that AFP calls all people in this situation ‘finders’, while those other media call all people in this situation ‘looters’. people who are so quick to condemn a whole nation based on their ignorant misinterpretations of the facts are the real issue.

    if you can find an example of the same organization applying some kind of double-standard, you can make a point, but until then it is clear that you have a prejudice about the united states and try to force fit everything to fit your hateful and twisted attitudes. if you hate the usa, get lost already!

  28. Taikun says:

    The first black man in your series was clearly a looter.

    He looted “beer”. Your comment about him doing it to “survive” is a crock of narrow minded race bashing because other “whites” actually took food products.

    I could troll the net all day and I get you I could find some class act black rapper talking smack about killing whites and nailing their ho’s and compare them to a wholesome white collar rock band talking about meeting a girl and getting married.

    Slap them side by side and I too could condem the music industry as being plagued by racist, violent blacks.

    The reason I do not is it would be an unfair misrepresentation of the truth. An unfair misrepresentation somewhat akin to YOUR perverted attempts to inflame the south into another race war by condeming the labeling of a LOOTER stealing beers.

    Finally how you read CONTEXT of a story from a photo is beyond me. The simple fact of the matter is those black could have been witnessed by the photgrapher as actually stealing the goods in question, while the whites where photographed simply with the goods and the photographer not being aware of their source.

    The “looter” / “finder” captions COULD be the truth. But instead of you thinking along those lines you squeel “racist” media.


    You brough NOTHING to the race debate but your OWN personal hang-ups. Seek help for your own race issues, or at least at a minimum an education of the facts at hand.

  29. Jumbo says:

    Taikun is Bill O’Reilly in disguise. FACT.

  30. kerry hiott mccall, miami says:

    having lived through “Andrew” in 1992, I have no problem with people taking whatever they can get. I do however fail to see where beer is a necessity and why this fellow did not grab some water, soda, cans of juice, baby formula (thinking of others)? That being said, having lived through “Andrew” in 1992 I have no problem with anyone taking beer!
    believe me you need it! it was absolutely ludicrous that the headlines would be changed for skin color but “having lived through Andrew” in 1992, living in Homestead, riding the storm out in Country Walk, unfortunately the most looting were young african americans, those unprepared and then unrestrained.


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