Hollywood, Microsoft align on new Windows — Day by day, bit by bit (pun intended), we are losing control of what we are alowed to control.

For the first time, the Windows operating system will wall off some audio and video processes almost completely from users and outside programmers, in hopes of making them harder for hackers to reach. The company is establishing digital security checks that could even shut off a computer’s connections to some monitors or televisions if antipiracy procedures that stop high-quality video copying aren’t in place.

The company [Microsoft] is quick to say that this has not been a case of studios dictating policy to programmers.

But if the implication fits…

I have no problem with the idea of the studios protecting their works, but this method is sure to create problems in unintended ways, ownership and use issues aside.

  1. Lou says:

    To quote John: “I have no problem with the idea of the studios protecting their works, but this method is sure to create problems in unintended ways, ownership and use issues aside.”

    No big deal. There are ALWAYS consequences to any technology that protects people (and their physical and intellectual property) from the bad people who want to steal from them.

    Your car lock stops people from taking your car, yet you can lock yourself out of your own car. Your door lock stops people from breaking into your house, yet if there is a (suspected) fire in your home, the firefighters will break down your door to check it out.

    We live in a world where people will steal things from us/them if they can. Everybody has a COMPLETE right to protect their property. In my opinion, that right completely supercedes any right of people to use others property in any and all circumstances.

    If Hollywood/Microsoft wants to limit my viewing of movies to specific hardware, that is their business decision. If I can’t watch
    “Police Academy 2010 – Geriatric Unit” on my old PC, I’ll live.

  2. a.medina says:

    I’m gonna say bye-bye to windows until vista gets hacked. Hello Linux.

  3. Andrew Daley says:

    I am going back to paper and a pencil.

  4. Jason says:

    Guess we’ll just have to use another OS for our piracy.

  5. Pimp Daddy says:

    It’s a ridiculous situation. By putting this stuff on Windows by default, Microsoft are assuming that all user are guilty of using pirated material. However, if it was an option then it would never work, so another method of security for artists’ work needs to be devised. I have been against the method they are going to implement for a long time.

  6. Edward says:

    The only reason left for me to not switch to Linux is the lack of a good graphics program – Gimp can’t compete with Photoshop. Microsoft & Apple are quickly reaching the point where people will say “enough already” and start making the switch to a less restrictive OS.
    But then, I’m probably wrong… look at the MP3 player market – the iPod is super restrictive, yet the most popular device.

  7. Thomas says:

    Yep. DRM will eventually lead to the day when all media will be pay-per-view. An analogy to what Microsoft is doing would be if GM shipped its cars and made it impossible to get into the engine and make changes. Extending the analogy, the DCMA makes it so that GM could sue you if you did try to change your car.

  8. Ima Fish says:

    No Jason, we’ll have to use another OS to get our FAIR USE RIGHTS! God, it’s AMAZING how many RIAA and MPAA sheep there are nowadays!

  9. Miguel Lopes says:

    If things get too restrictive people will stop buying, and Microsoft will be forced to react and loosen up a bit.

    Just remember what happennned to DVDs. First there was the Regions/Zones nonsense – and these days most DVD players can be unlocked with ease, because manufacturers make them easy to unlock, while not saying so ‘officially’, of course.

    Even worse, once I bought a Sony DVD player that would only play ‘official’ DVDs. It doesn’t play copied DVDs, DVDs made by me with my own footage, or CD copies. Nothing, zero, nada. Do you think Sony is still doing it? Nope, and why? Because it was hurting sales. Yes, all we can do is buy or not, but that’s the most powerful decision in the whole chain. They want your money more than you want their product. There are several alternatives. Even though Linux might not yet be 100% ready for prime time, it’s 99%, and it keeps inching along. One day there may be a killer Linux, and that day may be soon.

  10. Jason says:

    Exactly my point, IMA, I was being contemptuous of the mindset of current media thinking on this topic. 😉


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