Links to great photos of Katrina damage as collected by the Times-Picayune
some examples of what you’ll find:
If you have any digital photos of this disaster we’ll publish them for you. Send to by email
Links to great photos of Katrina damage as collected by the Times-Picayune
some examples of what you’ll find:
If you have any digital photos of this disaster we’ll publish them for you. Send to by email
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Thanks John, I’m about out of Kleenex, but these photos should inspire many to help in whatever way they can.
While these photos allow me to appreciate God’s power even more, I can’t help but have little apathy for those stuck on the roofs by not adhearing to the mandatory evacuation order. These dolts are taking up untold man-hours getting rescued instead of using those rescue workers to save help shore-up levees and work on getting the pumps started. USA Today has an excellent editorial on these “foolhardy” individuals.
Unfortunately, from what I have heard about the east side of New Orleans, which was the worst hit was a lower income area.
Alot of people could not afford to travel out of New Orleans to spend money on a hotel; or even the high price of gasolione to get far.
At no point did I mean to be insensitive. However, MANY, MANY of these people could have at minimum could have gotten to some of the shelters the city had set up. Nothing posh required! To say they were uninformed is just plain FOOLISH! To say these people do not have a television, transistor radio or even a neighbor that could of relayed the impending doom is simply unrealistic! These people simply chose to ignore the instructions provided for there own well being. The government is not always against you! – Now on the other hand, the US Government and Insurance companies will provide BILLIONS of dollars to rebuild this city in the bottom of bathtub.
My husband is a rescue worker who has had to pull many a body out after hurricanes after he ordered them to evacuate and they refused. It is true that I have been angry about people who refuse to leave, usually out of a curiousity or excitement about “hurricane parties”, and then expect people like my husband to risk their lives when they are stranded and become frightened. Trust me – it’s been a topic in our family for years, as it is heart-wrenching for the families of rescue workers to move to higher ground (we live on an island) when our loved ones stay behind in deathly storms.
But I truly believe in this case many people honestly could not get out. Not only were hotels sold out for miles, but many poor people lack credit cards and cars and could not reserve a hotel even if they could have left the city. This country, unlike Europe, lacks a coherent public transportation system that could have helped evacuate the masses, and the governors of those states did the best they could with school busses and other vehicles. Moving millions of people in a 48 hour period is almost impossible, especially with the hurricane changing course so many times since it hit Florida.
Let’s just pray for everyone instead of judging them. This will serve as a lesson for those who were refused to leave but could have, and maybe will save lives in the future – but for those who could not have left, adding judgement to their misery is not humane. Many of them have lost their spouses, children, and parents. New Orleans is gone, as we know it. Bodies are floating by in flood waters in Mississippi. It’s 95 plus degrees and people are still trapped in their attics and on their rooftops, with no food for 3 days now. Roads are closed so that those who escaped the coastal cities still have no way to get anywhere else to family outside of the states, if they’re lucky enough to have family elsewhere. Do we really need to make these people feel worse, or do we need to pitch in and try to help them survive?
I believe that for people to loot during this time is just disgusting. But what can you expect in a city like New Orleans where 3/4 of the population is blacks collecting welfare yet at the same time wearing $300 sneakers?What are they going to do with this stuff they are stealing? They have nowhere to go, and I agree 100% with martial law. I saw a photo of a man standing in front of his auto body shop with a shotgun to keep looters out and i applaud that.
Please don’t be too quick to judge, WHauk. Some of these people are stealing because it’s the only option they have. Is it politically correct? No. But you tell me, would you let your child or elderly parent die of starvation/dehydration because “it isn’t right to steal”? My FIRST job as a Mother is to raise my son into the best young man I can. That means that first I have to ensure his safety/survival as best I can. If stealing was the only way to keep him alive and safe–oh well. These people are dealing with life and death–it’s called “survival”, and you do what you have to to keep your children alive. So ease up on them unless YOU are sitting up there on a rooftop as well. Try that for 2 or 3 days with no water or food and see if your attitude changes.
What makes me sick is a couple of these comments. New Orleans is a charming city with charming people. Tourists are currently stuck there. Are they on welfare too? No, They had no way out, just like the many residents. Peolple started looting to survive. I would do what I had to do to feed my family. Others are looting because they are angry with the system. I can’t say I blame them. My heart goes out to these poor people. Many of them lost loved ones in the flood. I think we should all be trying to help in any way we can instead of pointing fingers.
I live in the area. It was announced that anyone who was unable to evacuate by their own means would be provided with FREE transportation to the Dome. All they had to do was call and request transportation. While granted, the Dome was a nightmare, it was still better than risking your life on the roof of your house. What angers me most is that they had the opportunity to get out – we knew this storm was coming days in advance. The people who stayed behind -with children- sicken me. It is okay if an adult wants to put their own life in jeopardy – but these children didn’t deserve this! This is a poor area of town – but trust me they had TV’s and radios. (If they didn’t they do now according to the looting videos!) They stand and blame the gov. and mayor for their troubles – troubles that they could have prevented.
As for the elderly and ill – surely these individuals have someone that watches overn them and could have instructed them to go to the dome. If they have no person to watch over them then how are they living on their own???? This is a horrible situation – many lives are lost – homes are destroyed – lives are in disaray – a major city is in ruins – but, a lot of this could have been prevented.
those photos are so sad > may god be with them
Who gives a crap if these people are stealing everything in sight, they can’t watch the plasma tv they just stole, or keep those new sneakers nice & clean because they are wading in filthy water in them,so what does it matter. The only thing that does matter is that the people are taken out of there as soon as possible.
I am just devastated at the outcome of the storm that Katrina brought through. I just sit in a daze just watching the news and could not imagine if that was me or in my home town. My prayers are with everyone down in Mississippi, Louisiana, and Memphis area. For the Lord knows what he was doing, which none of us know why but it will all get situated eventually and better things will come out of all this. I do know what it is like to lose all of your loved ones but there was no one there to go through it and learn from it with me, Thank God! Whenever its all said and done We As Americans are the strongest and we will all make it through this together and unite as a whole. God Bless all the families that has suffered from the hurricane Katrina and my my prayers with them.
What happened to the contributions made to the Red Cross and United Way during 911? Did we forget….. What is the purpose of Homeland Security? Taxpayers have payed out billions for what…. Why is the National Guard in Iraq? Why has the American military been outsourced to foriegn entites and companies that are owned and operated by elected officials? There are hundreds of questions that need to be answered. What has happened to the backbone of the American people who built this nation? I will pray for the people who do not have the compassion to understand the extreme desperation that must exist in the survivors of Katrina who have been left to die or watch their love ones die of thirst and hunger in a city filled with insanity, desease and dead people.
You know, WHauk, it’s racist bigots like yourself that keep this country down. There are people looting because they need food, water, etc. YOU have no right to judge or even criticize people who are in the dire circumstances that these people are in. Also for you to say “3/4 of the population is blacks collecting welfare yet at the same time wearing $300 sneakers” is just disgusting. You don’t know what types of people these are and just because they are black, as I assume you are not, does not mean that they are “welfare” collectors. Where is your humanity at a time like this? It’s just disgusting and disheartening to even think that I am an American when it’s other Americans who have minds like yours.
I have pitty on you for your ignorance and hope that if the US gets attacked by another Natural or manmade disaster that you and yours are no where in the mix up so that you would never have to feel the anguish and heartache that those poor people have to feel. But if God would see fit for you to be judged for your judgements, I would not lose any sleep.
I think that instead of talking about this horrible time we should try to help be sending food or water, blanket lendiing are state to these people to stay for the time .Lets get theses poeple out of there , and give them a place to stay.
President Bush is arriving in Mississippi as I write. We look like a 3rd world country-so sad. I hope other countries who we have supported thorugh the years will come to our aid. Please take a moment and look at the negative things happening in your life and realize things aren’t that bad. Please, donate money and blood to the Red Cross. This isn’t a race issue nor is it a political issue at this time, it is a humanity issue . Get involved in the aftercare- get clothes to donate and send to those in need, school supplies for the kids. Pray and be thankful this isn’t you going through this hell. This is when we need to help a neighbor.
We should all be in pray! Show some compassion and stop being judgemental. The persons that are being shown in the media need our prays. Now is not the time for us (US citizens) to be divided “Black vs White”. Mark 3:25 reads “If a house is divided againist itself, that house will not be able to stand.” Luke 6:25 & 45 reads “Woe to you who are wel-fed now, For you shall be hungry, Woe to you who laugh now, for you shall mourn and weep. The good man out of the good treasures of his heart bring forth what is good ; and the evil man out of the evil tresure brings forth what is evil; for his mouth speaks from that which fills his heart.
Now meditate on that!
I live in Houston! We need everyone to do whatever it takes to get through this crisis. We need you to support all efforts that are in place. If you are here in the state of Texas we need volunteers!
This is a horrible nightmare that is not going away anytime soon!
Please volunteer! Please Help!
This is for all of the idiot comments above that believe the looters are only stealing for survival. Please turn on your television (I am sure you have purchased one with your welfare check) and check out the looters carrying the “life saving” electronics equipment out of the store. Tell me, how many calories in a plasma screen?
As for anyone that cares to comment on the response of the disaster relief workers and the National Guard troops in a negative way, think about what you are saying. These great Americans are putting their lives in harms way to help people that simply refuse to help themselves. I have watched the news footage. I see many that can’t help themselves, but many more that are clearly able bodied and just looking for a handout and a place to put the blame.
This country was founded by men that believed in hard work and self help. How far has the liberal left wing welfare supporters dragged us down? Grab your own damn boot straps and pull yourself up a little. Then, reach over to you neighbor and help him.
Now, for those of you who read this and don’t think I know what I am talking about, you can come and visit me in Iraq. I am a deployed soldier, fighting to keep terrorists off of our soil. I know sacrifice. I see it every day. God Bless America and the brave men and women helping those that refuse to help themselves in the South.
Not only were the poor areas the hardest hit, but this was also the very end of the month, when most of the were probably waiting for Social Security or disability checks. Even a cab across town, or gas to get accross town to a shelter could have easily been outside of their means. Besides, can ANYONE really have grasped the depth of tragedy that would occur in 10-12 hours? Having grown up in tornado alley, we got used to taking the family photo book, and running for shelter once or twice a year. Thank God our home was never struck, but the destruction in this town is three times worse than any tornado that I’ve ever seen. Until this happens to you personally, I don’t think any of us could truly understand just how bad it would be. Sure, they should have left, but they didn’t. They’re not stupid, just human, and hopefully the better side of humanity will slowly take over, and people will start to help people.
This is for Mike in Iraq. I thank God everyday for people like you, over there & fighting for OUR country, the USA. This is the worst thing we have seen since 911, & I agree that the people should have left that area, but for one reason or another they didn’t or couldn’t.
This is a horrible situation that this country is in right now & our servicemen are having to deal with all of this & it is a big mess to say the least. Risking their lives moment to moment because of armed hoodlums & those who stole every gun & rifel & ammo from the stores there to use against their own people is a disgrace to say the least.
Now they are raping women & CHILDREN, at which I am at a loss for words. I cannot even imagine what they are going thru. I do know this though, we the people need to get them out of there as quickly as possible. No one deserves this!!!
As I said above marked 9/1
Who gives a crap if these people are stealing everything in sight, they can’t watch the plasma tv they just stole, or keep those new sneakers nice & clean because they are wading in filthy water in them,so what does it matter. The only thing that does matter is that the people are taken out of there as soon as possible.
Everyone has to leave these areas & they will not be able to take that plasma with them so what use is it to them…it doesn’t even matter about that now.
This should not be about RACE, & blaming one race over another, there are innocent people in this mess and good people I am sure, but from some of the responses above it sure seems that way doesn’t it ?
This country that we live in needs to come together & figure this all out & STOP blaming whoever.
I also have lived the military life for many years
Okay, listen up, kids. This problem has its roots in local/state government. The Mayor & Governor could have and SHOULD have used public transportation buses & school buses to help evacuate the people who couldn’t afford to leave. They had days to evacuate, but EVERYONE who stayed seemed to have a “cavalier” attitude about it all.
The Governor also had the power to call in the National Guard but delayed in doing so, to the detriment of the city. Normally Southern States cry, “States’ Rights!” and want NO Federal interference, but now some are blaming the President for not usurping those very States’ Rights. Let’s not forget that President Bush declared states of emergencies days prior to Katrina’s landfall, to ease the way for necessary aid. It’s too bad the local/state authorities were not as competent as their peers in Florida.
As to the “looting”–it is not wrong to “requisition” items necessary for survival–food, water, clothes, shoes, diapers, medicines, sanitary supplies, etc. In war time, our soldiers often must do this to survive, as well. BUT, there is NO excuse for STEALING non-survival items. Let’s not deceive ourselves; there is an element who planned to stay behind for just this purpose–to prey on the misfortune of others. I’m sure they didn’t realize what the extent of the aftermath would be.
But, PLEASE also realize that “race’ has nothing to do with either the “good” or “bad” goings-on in New Orleans. As the Scripture says, “ALL have sinned and come short of the glory of God.” So, what shall we say/do, then? There will be time for recriminations later; time to evaluate our leaders’ competence, or lack thereof. For now, let’s lay aside our judgments, lectures, etc. and HELP! We can at least PRAY for our fellow citizens and give of our time and monies as we are able to.
“America, GOD shed His grace on thee, and crown thy good with brotherhood from sea to shining sea!”
–from Susan in Florida
Maybe the plasma tv’s and other electronics were taken for bartering tools to exchange for food and water. You never know.
God Bless everyone, even the looters.
It does not surprise me in the least that all most people can think of is what can they steal! Why take the plasma tv? you cant watch it!
people have died, homes and everything else they owned are now gone. It goes to show all of us what this world has come to. If it were me, I would be trying to help save anyone I could instead of stealing anything I could! For those that stole any food and supplies, is understandable. They do what they have to to survive. My heart goes out to those people and all others that have lost their loved ones and everything else they worked hard for!
I think that our government has to seriously re-evaluate these people on welfare (regardless of race). If one can have the will to edure such a storm, break through their roofs waiting days to be rescued, wade through waist high waters for miles, and still have energy to “loot” “rape” and “shoot at rescue choppers” … then why don’t they get a damn job!!! It’s one thing to take food and clothing to “survive” during a crisis of this nature. But to take jewelry, electronics, etc.??? Now that is BULLS@*T!!!
Only in America could a hurricane become a “racial issue!” (gotta love it). And to blame fuel prices on Katrina, are you kidding me! Please don’t piss in my ear and tell me it is raining! (some of us are much smarter than that)
The storm – a tragic event
The population – devastated
The City of New Orleans – now a part of history
The looters – just plain evil
The president – doing what he is allowed to do
The complainers and discontent with the way things are going – STUPID
I am digusted with the racial comments! Simple minds have simple answers. New Orleans population consists of a large percentage of blacks. If a similar event were to occur in New England or the Northwest(Portland/Seattle) we would be seeing pictures of different races. LOCATION is the main reason for the color of people we are seeing. If this were to happen in Japan would we be saying the same thing? WE are AMERICANS. Not just you. Ignorance is pitiful. Whauk, you are not any better then the looters. At least they are taking material items. You are taking an entire races dignity.
I am digusted with the racial comments! Simple minds have simple answers. New Orleans population consists of a large percentage of blacks. If a similar event were to occur in New England or the Northwest(Portland/Seattle) we would be seeing pictures of different races. LOCATION is the main reason for the color of people we are seeing. If this were to happen in Japan would we be saying the same thing? WE are AMERICANS. Not just you. Ignorance is pitiful. Whauk, you are not any better then the looters. At least they are taking material items. You are taking an entire races dignity.
How tragic this disaster is to all all those affected by the magnitude of what has happened. I recently visited New Orleans so have been in shock at seeing the footage of what has happened to the city, in particular, I marvel at the extent of damage and wonder at the enormity of the ultimate repair and rebuilding exercise.
I cannot help wonder how George Bush truly feels in the face of this Natural Disaster and the repercussion of it – when i think of his command of playing Power Games and what damage he wreaked on Iraq and with what they still have to deal. THAT WAS INFLICTED BY MAN … and therefore perfectly preventable.
The power and force of Nature is so great, we should all be humbled by it and let it remind us that other values in life are infinately more important than “Power Games”. What about – Tolerance of other people for their differences.
Suffering is Universal whether it be inficted by Man or Nature, maybe this awful tragedy can Make George Bush THINK about the meaning of Life…