Registration Line

I cannot be sure by this photo (taken on Tuesday around 3) if Intel was expecting hordes of people or what? (Hint: They didn;t get them). It was silly looking to be this barren. I’ll have a complete photo essay about this event on Monday in my PC Magazine online column.

  1. Intel…hmm what do they do again? Oh yes they sit on their hands and only bring out new products as a response to AMD. How times have changed.

  2. I hear crickets chirping… Actually, wan’t this a good thing overall?

    How does it feel being the H.L. Mencken of tech? That’s a compliment BTW. I used to be biased against you, then heard your wonderful singing voice on TWiT… I’m a changed man.

    Please accept my humblest apologies. Intel is the r0x0r!

  3. twdldee says:

    Apparently word got out that some guy named John C. Dvorak was going to be there.

  4. K. Zuke says:

    I don’t think Intel develops products just as a response to AMD. The development cycle is far too long for that kind of market response. I remember back in the day, when I had a friend working for Intel, as a gamer, I was using cutting edge 450mhz Pentiums and he said they were already working on developing chips to top 1000mhz (1ghz). That kind of leadtime blew me away – people weren’t even using the word “gigahertz” back then!! It was “1000mhz”, hehe…

    I just wish they’d quit changing the damn socket every other year, so I can at least go through one upgrade cycle with only swapping out my CPU, instead of CPU, mobo, and possibly new types of memory. I still have a box running around somewhere in my house with a Slot 1, hehe…

  5. Miguel Lopes says:

    Mmmmm, I can go to any forum, congress, whatever, and take a photo like that… One photo doesn’t mean much, actually. I do agree that Intel seems to have died somehow, nothing really new coming out from them, but they’re still a giant. Maybe a bit of competition will do them good.

  6. Mike Cannali says:

    Looks like the last Comdex did


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