Pancake Makeup – Robertson: Chavez remarks misinterpreted – Aug 24, 2005 This is getting funnier by the minute. And you can see the wolves coming out of the woodwork. Another situation that would not have gotten out of control if Robertson immediately apologized and let it die.

We haven’t had a good media bloodbath since Rathergate.

(CNN) — Conservative religious broadcaster Pat Robertson said Wednesday that his remarks about the removal of Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez were taken out of context and that he never called for the killing of the Latin American leader.

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  1. Sounds the Alarm says:

    Hey he figures if it work for duhbya, why not him. Say it and then just deny you said it.

    I heard a quote on CNBC where duhbya says “If any one in my administration is involved in any way” with the outing of the CIA agent. He would “deal harshly with that person” – This is on tape now.

    Two weeks later when he figured out old Karl did it, suddenly its “If any one in my administration is involved in a crime..” He would “deal harshly with that person”. Now suddenly all the neo con jerk weeks are swearing up and down he never said number one.

    I saw a old Al Frankin on Air America on the Sundance channel (its how I detox from FOX news) actually play the clip to a neo con pundit. After it played the neo con keep saying – “He didn’t say that, its all a lie, its all out of context”. Is this denial or what?

    I had an old CO in my MP unit once tell us (under the influence) that the dangerous COs were the ones that believed their own bullshit.

  2. Mike says:

    Regardless if he meant killing or kidnapping or whatever, it seems like a pretty violent statement. And kind of extreme, wouldn’t you say?

    It’s a good thing we have an ongoing “struggle against violent extremism.” I’m sure our government will be right on it.


  3. James says:

    Still trying to reconcile Robertson with Matthew 5 (“do not resist an evil person,” etc). It does not compute.

  4. Nick says:

    I may be wrong here, but I’m pretty sure that had Robertson (or anyone) said the same thing about a sitting U.S. President on a nationally televised program he would most likely be barred from further broadcast and probably arrested…

  5. jeff says:

    Depends on what the definition of “is” is.

  6. Dave M. says:

    Why is it that the Conservatives seem to have to back-peddle out of just about everything they say or do?

    Why can’t they be normal human beings like the rest of us. 😉

  7. ~ says:

    Now that guy is funny. You have video of exactly what he said, in exactly what context, and he’s still denying it.

    Maybe he’ll pull a Clinton and argue the meaning of the word “is”. See, he didn’t really mean what you thought he meant, it’s all interpretation.

    Ah well, very enjoyable, and a lot lighter than the Iraq stuff, so it’s nice for a change.

  8. Having watched both the original video and Robertson’s clarification I can without doubt say that he did in fact call for the assasination of Chavez. Sorta reminds me a little of the fatwa placed on Rushdie by the Ayatollah. Twenty years later, Rushdie is now a media darling, living in New York.

  9. Uvalde Slim says:

    This story is way to inflated. Robertson probably did this just to get his name back in the news since nobody has cared what he thought since the mid-1990s.

  10. The Infidel says:

    I think it is funny that people are making such a huge deal out of this story. I don’t like what he said since he is claims to be a religious leader but nobody made such a deal when those two writers wrote a book during the election that it would be cool if Bush were assassinated.

  11. Bryan says:

    Earlier today on CNN Situation Room they were saying Robertson has issued an apology.

  12. Andrew says:

    Wow, after so many years of condemning President Clinton, it looks like Mr. Robertson has learned how to use “slick willy’s” tricks

  13. Hank says:

    I know a lot conservative Christians (I even AM one, really) and I can say that many have near total disconnect between the Ninth Commandement and their politics.

    For instance, Jerry Falwell sold THOUSANDS of videos containing the most outrageous “false witness” about Billl Clinton (50 murders, secret drug smuggling airpstrip, etc. )

    MILLIONS of conservative Christians had absolutely no hesitation to bear false witness against Bill, Hillary or just about any Democrat they hated.

    Now Pat Robertson is telling a BIG WHOPPER. How do his followers reconcile this with their faith and ethics?

    It’s a mystery to me. And a shame on the faith.

  14. Max K says:

    At the top of the story on CNN it does say Robertson appologized. He did, however, deny calling for assasination, which is not true.

  15. M Smith says:

    I think the guys just plain nuts. First he prays for the death of a Supreme Court Justice so that he can get more ultra-conservatives on the bench. Now he follows that up with asking for a national leader to be murdered.

    To me he should be treated like any other religious extremist that is advocating violence. The station(s) that air him are no better than Al Jazeera. He should immediately removed from the air and then added to a list of possible terrorists.

    The other thing that bothers me is that nobody really cared about his prayers for the death of the justices. It wasn’t until he asked for Chavez’s assasination that it really hit the big news. Before that we just shook our heads and laughed at the clips of him on The Daily Show.

  16. Sounds the Alarm says:

    He just has the face of a lying weasel – which is a mean shot at weasels.

  17. Teyecoon says:

    Quote: “Maybe he’ll pull a Clinton and argue the meaning of the word “is”.”

    First of all, Clinton had a valid “legal” argument that a BJ is not technically sex…it’s foreplay. In addition, the Republicans were invading his personal privacy and these other incidents from Bush & Robertson are all public statements made in their formal capacity!

    Quote: “nobody made such a deal when those two writers wrote a book during the election that it would be cool if Bush were assassinated.”

    The differnce is that they stand by what they said and don’t deny that they said it and they don’t hold themselves up to be “holier than thou”!

    Quote: “It’s a mystery to me. And a shame on the faith.”

    Why do you think they hold their religion of Christianity so close? It’s great that you can do almost anything and simply repent (say your sorry) and all is forgiven.(LOL) Not to mention, you get automatic (undeserved) respect by saying your strongly religious by most people. This is why some of the worst people in the world adopt this religion. It’s so easy with so few requirements and has great potential benefits (on earth and possibly after)!

    The ironic thing here is that people aren’t really surprised or disturbed by what this Robertson nutcase says, they’re upset by their perception being distorted that all Christians (especially the leaders) are superior people to your average pagan individual. If you simply accept the truth that religious affinity has nothing to do with the quality of a person’s soul then your not surprised at all. Sorry, if the truth hurts to you holier than thou people. : )


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