HoustonChronicle.com – Pat Robertson ignites war of words — If you beleive in the power of prayer, then why would you be praying for death unless you are Satanic? Just look at the guy on TV. He looks demented!

Now I understand that it’s possible this sort of prayer or affirmation by a clergyman could happen in a war. But Chavez is just a bonehead in Venezuela who says he dislikes Bush and the USA. So what?

Yes I’m harping on this since he — Robertson — led a prayer for God (or someone) to kill Supreme Court Justices a few weeks ago and nobody seemed to care. And maybe he didn’t say kill but he definitely wanted Rhenquist DEAD and was praying for it. I heard it. I saw it. It disgusted me.

This new desire on the part of this respected psycho is becoming an International situation for the USA.

Pat Robertson’s suggestion that American agents should kill Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez aggravated tense relations between the two countries even as the Bush administration moved Tuesday to distance itself from the televangelist’s comments.

In Caracas, Vice President Jose Vicente Rangel said Robertson’s words were another sign that the Bush administration is out to get Chavez, a leftist who is wildly popular at home and is an outspoken critic of the U.S. government.

“Before, they were openly calling for Chavez’s overthrow. Now, the call is to assassinate him,” Rangel said.

related links:
Canadian Coverage by the CBC
British Coverage
Australian Coverage
Church of Satan

Now it gets weirder as Americans begin to send notes to Chavez apologizing and sympathizing with this guy who hates them. While they are the true Chistians in this regard you have to wonder what the Minister Robertson is thinking. Are his eyes turning red? Or what?

Read it here.

WASHINGTON – For Venezuela’s ambassador, the day began with word that a prominent American television preacher was asking the Bush administration to assassinate Venezuela’s president.

But Ambassador Bernardo Alvarez considers Tuesday a very good day indeed: By dusk, the Venezuelan Embassy’s voice mail and e-mail systems had been overloaded with American well-wishers.

”You don’t have an idea how good I feel with all the support I have gotten and I keep getting. It keeps coming to us, and to all the consulates, the Venezuelan government, the media. Hundreds of people in this country that are supporting a president who was elected,” Alvarez said.

2003 Photo

  1. Roland Marty says:

    The way you are supposed to do it is pray the other guy receives enlightment and changes his ways. Christianity holds that even the worst human being can find redemption in this world. By the way, someone should tell this Robertson idiot that the rapture has already happened and we’re all still here.

  2. Dave says:

    A lot of Christian are shaking their heads at this one.

    Just because someone is a Christian doesn’t mean they’re perfect…so here’s a great opportunity for Pat. Reach out to Chavez and ask for an apology and sincerely show he’s sorry.

    Think of the ratings that episode of The 700 Club would bring in!

  3. Ron Taylor says:

    I don’t know if Roberson has any true pathology recognized by AMA or APA diagnostic standards. He’s always been controversial and out spoken, maybe he’s a senile also. I do know that people like him are surrounded by a circle of protectors that keep them isolated from reality, many times for selfish reasons including job security, power, and personal gain. This phenomenon has even been rumored to have happened in the highest office in the land, especially when the holder of the office isn’t too bright to start with.

  4. Jim says:

    I don’t think that the top photo is of Pat Robertson. I think that is Benny Hinn. Might want to double check that.

  5. Streklov says:

    Much ado about nothing. Muslim clerics are demanding that Bush be killed all the time. Big deal.
    Consider the source and move on.

  6. A Clarke says:

    Highly visible religious leader calls for the death of a foreign leader. Osama bin Laden? Mullah Omar? Nope. Pat Robertson

  7. Michael Reed says:

    In accordance with British standards ( Not that they usually apply to Christian Caucasians) Pat would be barred from entering England. As Reuters is reporting, “The list of activities deemed unacceptable, which covers non-UK citizens in Britain or abroad, includes expressing opinions which “foment, justify or glorify terrorist violence” or seeking to provoke others to commit terrorist acts.”

    Inciting people to terrorism always gives me a warm fuzzy feeling for far right and left wingers, because no one sane is at the far ends of the spectrum, and they prove it constantly.

  8. Louis says:

    Isn’t Robertson just a non-hypocritical CIA spokeman ? ; )

  9. Andy says:

    Nice, and this from a guy that is actually quoted as requesting that the President be more moderate in his approach in Iraq:

    “He was just sitting there, like, I’m on top of the world, and I warned him about this war. I had deep misgivings about this war, deep misgivings. And I was trying to say, ‘Mr. President, you better prepare the American people for casualties,’ “

    (here’s hoping I used that blockquote tag correctly)

  10. How many times do they have to apologize for him?

    9/11 was for the sins of new york, hurricanes in florida are for american’s impurity… this man is sick; and I mean mentally unhealthy sick. There’s no justification for his statements.

  11. Earnie Velveeta says:

    This whole controversy with Pat Robertson seems to be a little overdone. First off Robertson has almost zero presents in politics anymore. The only thing I find problematic with what Robertson said is that he is supposed to be a minister. If you look at the comments that he made there really isn’t anything that he said that was so offensive. These comments were not unlike the comments that guys at a bar when they talk about the world’s problems and how to solve them. He did make a good point about the cost that a war would cost why on this website last week there was a story about the $200 billion plus the war in Iraq is costing. Chavez is reaching out to islamofacists to come to Venezuela and has caused further destabilization in Columbia with his support of communist forces in that country.

    Also which wars are the most costly: The wars started too early or those started too late?

  12. Steve says:

    In Caracas, Vice President Jose Vicente Rangel said Robertson’s words were another sign that the Bush administration is out to get Chavez
    OK, Robertson has some “issues” (to be polite), but when did he become part of the government? This is like Jerry Lewis saying something, and the French government being blamed for his words.

  13. meetsy says:

    So, now tell me…why is Robertson even being LISTENED TO? Who are his followers? STop sending him money!!!
    And, if he wants to promote crazy bull…why doesn’t he get an AM radio show, and stop pretending to be a Christian leader? He’s no leader, he’s just a old salted nut.

  14. Chris Vaughn says:

    Good piece, but bad photography. The pic above is of Paul & Jan Croush of TBN in CA (accompanied by a minister by the name of R.W. Schambach). Gotta love the pink hair.

    That’s sad John – as connected as you are you put up a picture of the wrong tele-evangelist (which would be the wrong christian network) and the pink hair didn’t throw you.

    Must be a lapse in the spam! LOL

    Chris Vaughn

  15. site admin says:

    OK OK I changed the picture

  16. Andrew Gray says:

    I know it was stupid for him to say this, but the idea itself is not a bad idea.

  17. Andrew Gray says:

    I know it was stupid for him to say this, but the idea itself is not a bad idea.

  18. Sounds the Alarm says:

    Most good CIA analysts frown on assassination as a tool of regime change because hard experience has taught them that if you whack a country’s leader, as bad as he or she may be, odds are someone worse takes over in the resulting chaos. Plus the agency spends lots of time people and money trying to “read the mind” so to speak of every country’s leadership. If you start popping them, it makes the agency nervous because they can no longer do their job, which is in part to predict what the leadership of a particular country will do. Chaotic leadership change makes that job much more difficult.

  19. AB CD says:

    Bush said the same thing about Saddam when he was running for President. I don’t see what the big deal is.


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