Televangelist Calls for Chavez’ Death — Can you believe this guy? A few weeks back he was on his show PRAYING FOR THE DEATH of a Supreme Court Justice. He needs to be sent to a home. He’s completely insane. He’s a disgrace to any normal Christian.

Religious broadcaster Pat Robertson called on Monday for the assassination of Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez, calling him a “terrific danger” to the United States.

Robertson, founder of the Christian Coalition of America and a former presidential candidate, said on “The 700 Club” it was the United States’ duty to stop Chavez from making Venezuela a “launching pad for communist infiltration and Muslim extremism.”

Chavez has emerged as one of the most outspoken critics of President Bush, accusing the United States of conspiring to topple his government and possibly backing plots to assassinate him. U.S. officials have called the accusations ridiculous.

“You know, I don’t know about this doctrine of assassination, but if he thinks we’re trying to assassinate him, I think that we really ought to go ahead and do it,” Robertson said. “It’s a whole lot cheaper than starting a war … and I don’t think any oil shipments will stop.”

I don’t like Chavez either..but, geez.

  1. Paul Burland says:

    Just shows that no matter what religion someone claims to belong to it’s their actions that prove who they are. If I claimed to be Muslim and proclaimed that Jesus was king then I’d obviously not be a Muslim. Vice-versa if I claim to be Christian but say and do things that are contrary to Christ’s teachings I’m not a Christian. Extremists don’t have to be Musilim, Arab or any other type of person, right?

  2. Sam says:

    I can think of at least one war that was sparked by an assassination.

  3. rus says:

    I think Pat forgot to take his medication again.

  4. Rob Barac says:

    You know the most ridiculous thing?

    All the worlds major religions, Islam, Judaism, Christianity, Buddism, Taoism etc all work on one underlying principle.

    “Be cool to one another”

    Yet somehow, the message becomes perverted into one of hate. It makes me sick.

  5. Ron Taylor says:

    Careful John, he’ll call on God to smite you. Did you know the past tense of smite is smote and not smitten? Anyway you’ll end up a pillar of salt or something. This nut doesn’t scare me, but the possibility of a psychotic devoted follower(s) does. Kool aid anyone?

  6. John Schumann says:

    Wow, Christians have been in the news a lot lately:

  7. Miguel Lopes says:

    Seems this guy forgot one of the 10 commandments he should be preaching…

    Or maybe it’s like, I shall not kill, so you go and kill hem for me, will ya?

    Just one of the many hypocrisies of our society…

  8. Daver Lee Lewis says:

    How’s this any different than what Bush did with Saddam? Bush just didn’t announce his plans to kill Saddam publicly. But we all know better.

  9. Sounds the Alarm says:

    Wow, what a christian roll model!

  10. Allan says:

    I heard this first mentioned on a “conservative” radio show this morning, and I got the strong sense that those who agreed with Robertson figured that if he said it, then that was sufficient reason to do it.

    I have to wonder how much Robertson has invested in Venezuelan oil projects!

  11. ~ says:

    This guy is so weird. “Thou shall not kill” apparently doesn’t translate into “Thou shall not pray for people’s death while promoting hatespeak”.

    I don’t like Chavez at all, but come on. If someone went on TV and said the similar things about Robertson just think of what Robertson would say about that.

    I would like to know what makes this guy think he has any business promoting anything like this on TV. It seems somewhat outside his pervue. Christian enlightenment care of political assasinations and death wishes. Not really what I would call traditional Christian values. Proves once again that religion and politics do not mix.

    (By the way, by definition, fatwas are issues by Islamic leaders, not Christian ones.)

  12. site admin says:

    The fatwa comment is satire my friend.

  13. Ann Hines says:

    Upon hearing that Televangelist Pat Robertson had called for our government to assassinate the President of a sovereign country, all I could think was, “Jesus must be so Proud!” Isn’t it particularly ironic that now one could point to Pat Robertson as the perfect example of how a religious extremist can hijack a whole religion and pervert it to suit himself.

  14. Lou says:

    I don’t agree with Mr. Robertson in this instance, but chill people, the Ten Commandments, like the Constitution is not a suicide pact.

    There are a number of political figures in history that if they were assassinated before they caused their trouble, the world would have been a better off place (Hitler and Stalin come to mind as possible #1 and #2). And if I remember correctly, Hitler (or his party) was duly elected.

    In no way am I saying Chavez is in the same league as those two, and at this point, I’m very ignorant about his policies, and truly can not evaluate his worth to this hemisphere and world.

    I’m just saying that the “Good” people of the world will sometimes have to hurt the “BAD” people of the world to keep them from causing too much damage to our collective world. We can and will argue about who is good, and who is bad, and when to act, etc. but let’s make sure we don’t fall into the “contemplating our navels” of moral relativism while the world goes to heck in a handbasket.

  15. Michael Reed says:

    Lesson to be learned: Never pay any attention to someone who gives you advice, then hands out a collection plate. Advice never has a value greater than zero.

  16. estacado says:

    “Venezuela a “launching pad for communist infiltration and Muslim extremism.”” – Muslim extremism in Venezuela? You’d be lucky to find any Muslims there.

  17. meetsy says:

    where’s the love, Pat?
    Guess Pat’s latin lover finally went back to HIS home country.

  18. Kristina says:

    The comment made by Pat Robertson is very disappointing. We are in a critical time in our country and prominent Christian leaders have a duty to act like a Christian.

    It’s embarrassing to say the least. Even the most devout, finatical, fundamental Christian typically won’t advocate violence. Jesus taught peace and love primarily.

    It is unfortunate what impact this will have on the middle-east. The fundamental muslim believes in killing and assasinating. Pat Robertson doesn’t look much different from one of them now.

  19. Teyecoon says:

    FYI, Pat Robertson is simply “Old School” Christianity. He believes in the Christian crusades style of religion where you just kill off those that refuse to believe your dogma or don’t support your cause. You’d be surprised about how effective this method is for converting people. If you find this method a bit contradictory to the teachings then you simply repent for what you did and move on to the next pagan beheading. How do you think Christianity got to be so popular anyway?

    Can I get a “whoop, whoop and a hallelujah” up in here? : )


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