Honest Doc Attacked by PoliticallyCorrect State Fascists

NewsNet5.com – Irresistible – Woman Files Complaint After Doctor Tells Her She’s Obese — I though this was the “Live Free or Die!” state? What is this BS?

ROCHESTER, N.H. — The New Hampshire attorney general is investigating a Rochester doctor because a patient complained that he bluntly told her she needed to lose weight.

Dr. Terry Bennett said that he’s outraged by what he calls a baseless complaint. A patient was apparently insulted when Bennett told her that she was obese and could only get healthier by losing weight.

What are we, in China? We have to beat around the bush to tell someone something that they need to hear? Sick.

found by Imafish

  1. Ed Campbell says:

    Well, we know the AG is a political hack. You only run for Attorney-General if you’re planning on running for Governor or Senator, later on.

    Every member of the New Hampshire Board of Medicine is an appointee. Courtesy of the Governor. And he’s married to a doctor, fer cryin’ out loud.

  2. Erich S says:

    This si already happening in New Jersey. A doctor friend tells me that the “correct” expression they may use is: “There is a slight chance you might be a little overweight.” She must tell this to 400 lb women – and no, they’re not over 6 feet tall…

  3. Bryan says:

    She needs to stop complaining and just face the facts. He did nothing wrong. She just thinks that she’s the greatest thing in the world. Too much self-esteem….

  4. If a doctor has to walk on eggshells about our health, we’re in serious legal hell.

    I wonder where we’ll draw the line here? A teacher can’t call a student an idiot, though their probably in a day-in-day-out position to judge, is this the same area? I’ve met some idiot teachers, though…

  5. sourcemonkey says:

    I agree wholeheartedly with the above posters (up to and including Brady J). I have absolutely no idea what this has to do with China however. Sadly, the USA is the only country where this is likely to – and does – happen.
    Deleting the punctuation in parentheses – to my mind – makes a more appropriate comment:
    “What are we[,] in America? We have to beat around the bush to tell someone something that they need to hear[?]”

  6. russellkanning says:

    I don’t like our AG in NH. She is rotten. She threatened my friend for manicuring without a license.
    We need to ignore these busybodies.

  7. Michael Reed says:

    This problem works itself out in time, I have never met a cow over 65. With longer lifespans, and better medicine those unable to accept personal responsibility will reduce Social Security costs. Of course we need to stop medicare/medicaid from treating people who refuse to lose weight. Since I turn 65 in 2035 I hope people who are obese are allowed to think it is okay. That way there will be plenty of money remaining in the system no matter how badly the Republicans and Democrats collectively mismanage it. Don’t think I am some beanpole who is being mean, I am easily 30lbs over a good weight for my 6’4 frame, so I understand it is not easy, but hard is not the same as impossible. Remaining fat is like remaining ignorant, it is your fault.

  8. Brenda Helverson says:

    “Morbidly Obese” is listed as a disability under the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and is defined as 100 pounds over normal weight.

    I’m guessing that Land Whale is completely out of line.

  9. rus says:

    The woman needs to go to INSENSITIVITY training and the doctor needs to change his plate to read “Dr. Terry Bennett, M.D. (a.k.a. – Dr. Blunt – If you can’t take the truth, don’t bother to come in)”.

    Re: Eric — The poor NJ doctors better not use the term “slight chance” when the person falls over dead in a week the family will come back and sue for not being truthful enough.

  10. Darryl Ring says:

    I’d like to bring up a point made in the movie, Supersize Me:

    Why is it that you can laugh at smokers and tell them, “You know those things’ll kill ya!” and it’s just accepted but so un-PC to say the same thing to an obese person?

    Smoking = lung cancer
    Obesity + No excersize = death (by some means)

  11. Sounds the Alarm says:

    Can you call the AG a “Fat Head”?

  12. Mike Voice says:

    Isn’t this what we can expect more of, with the US eductation system pushing “self esteem”.

    But it does remind me of a co-worker in the Navy, 15-years ago, who was on the “fat boy” program (so as I – which is why I got to hear this story).

    CW had gone to the required interview with a Nutritionist, and explained how he had been dieting and exercising – but that his genes were keeping him from meeting the Navy’s weight standards, because his parents and siblings were also over-weight. His family just had a slower metabolism than slender people.

    CW was furious when the Nutritionist stated “if that were true” (the amount of dieting and excersing he claimed) then CW should have lost more weight – because the claimed amount of low calories consumed and high calories expended made it physically impossible to not lose some weight.

    CW – furious. “Are you calling me a Liar?!”

    Nutritionist – taken aback. “No; I think you’re under-estimating the amount of calories you consume, and over-estimating the amount of calories you burn”

    CW (back at office) “He called me a liar! Right to my face, he called me a LIAR!”

    CW considered filing a complaint against the nutritionist, but thought better of it when he calmed down.

    Denial isn’t just a river in Egypt! 🙂

  13. Sounds the Alarm says:

    “CW – furious. “Are you calling me a Liar?!””

    Ok – I’ll go ahead and call him a liar.

  14. meetsy says:

    Hmmm….. so, let me get this straight… you can’t say “hey lard-ass, who’s been shoving the potatoes down your throat”. That’s NOT politically correct? Says who?
    The state motto should be changed to “Live fat and die”!
    Seems to me that we are rapidly developing into a nation without a spine…to hold up our ample belly.

  15. AB CD says:

    Darryl, smoking does not equal lung cancer. The odds of getting a disease as a smoker is about 10%, which is not the same as equal.

  16. Teyecoon says:

    William, forget blogging, you need to write your own book. : )

    I don’t understand how this doctor can be held responsible for his opinions when choosing a doctor is a voluntary process. Just give the whiny fat cow her copay back and be done with it.

    PC doctor to patient: “You’re extremely unskinny and need to eat a lot more of nothing to be more healthy.” How unoffensive is that?

  17. meetsy says:

    ac…you quote some odd statistics…10% of smokers will get lung cancer. Hmmm…my parents were both heavy smokers, all their friends were smokers…..out of 30 people I know of…..30 of them are DEAD now from lung cancer (including my parents). From MY experience…seems to be a 1-to-1 correlation. They didn’t die of anything else…but a very, very UGLY disease. Although, TECHNICALLY some of them died from pneumonia (something listed…but this was after their bodies were riddled with cancer that began int he lung) and some died of BRAIN TUMORS, but these were secondary, traveling bits of cancer that began in their lungs.
    I have no doubt that my father (dead at 69) and my mother (dead at 79) would both have lived longer….if they hadn’t insisted on their pack a day habits.
    I don’t see how you can toss around such a questionable statistic. Stop smoking AC….. your kids will thank you someday.

  18. AB CD says:

    I;ve seen the 10% number published in several places. Perhaps it’s an urban legend, but you’re the one smoking if you think the number is 100%.

  19. MM says:

    There’s so much more to this story than simply a doctor telling a patient that she’s fat. The doctor told her that her weight would make her unattractive to men. That’s what the complaint is about–the inappropriate comment about her love life, not the comment about her weight.
    http://transcripts.cnn.com/TRANSCRIPTS/0508/25/ltm.06.html (scroll down halfway)


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