I just pulled these numbers down less than five minutes ago from one of my stat packages. Granted that readers of Dvorak Uncencensored tend to be smarter than average non-computer-literate users, but still…this has to be a bad omen for Microsoft. It’s these same users who influence the others and the trends are clear.

The stat package samples the last 100 visitors. I can assure you that this is pretty much the way it remains except at night when the Opera numbers go up.

  1. Conrad B says:

    Your comment sums it up. The computer illiterate use IE and anyone in the know uses Firefox or Safari or Opera or the other open source versions. I work for one of the largest software companies. And all techs use Firefox. Not because it’s cool, but because it’s just way better.

  2. Frank Rizzo says:

    What webstat packages do you use?

  3. Same for me, and for most web designers, and print designers I know… and, come to think of it, marketing employees in general. Microsoft always had a poor image from a design standpoint — lack of safety, functionality, and standards support isn’t helping that. Nor is the announcement that they’ll fix ‘bugs’ for IE 7, but very little standards editions otherwise; while safari/firefox/opera and testing out CSS 3 specs and moving further into accessibility.

  4. R Taylor says:

    Safari at 9%, and you still can’t get the display glitch worked out. I’m going to keep viewing the site on my ibook for spite, even though I got 2 XP computers. I heard years ago a professional journalist is one that doesn’t care if you praise or curse him, as long as you remember to spell his name correct.

  5. Tom S. says:

    I beleive two avenues of technology are out of microsofts icy grip, internet search/cool and interesting free programs like google earth, check it out, and web browser, in favor of firefox’s safe and activex free web browser, though i dont think you’l find an os better suited for easy access than xp.

  6. Thomas says:

    Although….I used to use Firefox until I found Maxthon (www.maxthon.com). Maxthon works overtop of IE. My complaint with Firefox is that it would sometimes render pages poorly or not show images without a refresh or two. Maxthon has multiple tabs and an RSS reader that is far superior to Firefox’s Live Bookmarks.

    Granted, the search feature in Firefox is much better.

  7. site admin says:

    The package I like the best is Statcounter which runs from a small file embedded on the site. http://www.statcounter.com — that’s where the broswer states came from.

    I promise to fix the safari issues soon!

  8. I see a similar trend, John. Also, under 90% of my visitors use Windows.

  9. Jonas Petja says:

    Personally I think that many corporations still use IE and many of the people who view your blog with IE are people who do so at work. This means that there is propably even more Firefox users than your statistics indicate as many of the IE viewers have Firefox on their private PC instead of IE. And they would propably prefer Firefox at work too.

  10. Tim says:

    It seems odd that one particular browser’s numbers would go up specifically in the evening… Is there any known reason for this?

  11. Kwasi Bunsie says:

    I find that many of the pages that render incorrectly in Firefox, are designed specifically for IE. Many sites out there still gear their sites towards the use of IE and MS products and it’s up to the designers of these sites to make them more accessible.

  12. It’s only an overflow issues, very easy to fix, email me if you need a hand — if you’ll notice, it only drops when your left column is shorter than the middle.

    I recommend http://www.shauninman.com/plete/shortstat/ for counting user hits, I just did a fresh install, very user friendly.

  13. Rick Blair says:

    Any platform stats?


  14. site admin says:

    This shoudl help:

    Perc. Operating System
    76.00% Windows XP
    19.00% Mac OS X
    2.00% Windows 2000
    1.00% Windows 98
    1.00% Sun
    1.00% Linux

    Here is a current snapshot..the Linux number is kind of low and the Mac number has jumped since the Podcast

  15. AB CD says:

    There are still many pages that won’t open under Firefox. Zone.com’s gaming site is one example.

  16. Teyecoon says:

    Those are respectable numbers from apparently people with respectable levels of intelligence. My only dismay is from those few Firefox 1.04 users. Your obviously smart enough to use Firefox so be ultrasafe and responsible as to upgrade your version to 1.06.


    I understand that you feel and are safer than using IE but 1.06 is stable and without the few known vulnerabilities of 1.04 so reinforce the idea that the Firefox users are at “the top of the tech and intelligence chain”. : )

  17. Joey says:

    While I have no doubt that Firefox is gaining popularity, I get very different results on my web stats:

    Perc. Browser Name Version
    97 97.00% MSIE 6.0
    2 2.00% Firefox 1.0.6
    1 1.00% Mozilla 5.0

    I think the Firefox phenomena is localized to computer/tech oriented users. The readers of my blog are computer users, but I would not call them hard-core computer techies. Unfortunately (or fortunately, however you look at it), I believe that this is the more common results when looking at the total user base and not the smaller one centered around computers and tech. While Firefox may be the better browsers, I think it still has a long way to go.

  18. I posted about it twice before:
    FireFox browser is a clear winner with technologists
    Latest results of Browser war from my microcosm of viewers (for the web)

    Overall Mozilla group has 57% of the market share with Firefox alone at 49% when I last checked in April 2005.

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