Iraq war protesters camping out near President Bush’s ranch got some support Sunday night from a prominent figure in the anti-Vietnam war movement: folk singer Joan Baez.

“In the first march I went to (opposing Vietnam) there were 10 of us. This is huge,” Baez told relatives of fallen U.S. soldiers Sunday before performing a free concert just up the road from the ranch.

About 500 people gathered to hear her on a 1-acre lot offered by a landowner who opposes the war.

Huge surprise! :)

  1. R Taylor says:

    This is a far worse political mess than Vietnam. The US can never stabilize Iraq. When we do pull out by choice or in the midst of a full civil war it will leave a far more destabilized middle east. Bush can sow all the seeds of democracy he wants, all he did was unleash a whirlwind of hate. We even have the majority of former allies hoping for our failure just to teach us a lesson about arrogance. These die hard Bush supporters are starting to sound like Archie Bunker defending Nixon. By the way boys, those lines were written as comedy. I used to be more diplomatic, but even members of the Republican party are beginning to verbally express fear of this fiasco.

  2. Gerry Miller says:

    This was easy to predict. It did not take long before this liberal
    lifer took again to the street(or is it the ditch)to do her thing to turn
    this war into the next Vietnam. It does not matter who we fight.
    These liberal lifers will be against it. Who is next?

  3. Gerry Miller says:

    This was very predictable. It did not take long for this lib for life
    to take advantage of this situation. The only question is,who is next?

  4. Michael Reed says:

    Maybe I am unrealistic, on one hand I oppose the war on the basis of wars not being a good thing other than the inevitable technological spinoffs, and those are not worth the lives expended. On the other hand, I oppose people using the deaths of their children to further their political objectives. In addition I find the behavior of the far left to be as disgusting as that of the far right.

    As a former soldier I would have been spinning in my grave if it had been my mother, and I am really sorry his had so little respect for his values. Amazing how such a confirmed pacifist raised a child that joined the military. A white middle class child at that.

  5. RonD says:

    I don’t care much for her politics, but I always enjoyed her folk songs. I might attend a protest just to hear her sing.

  6. Mister Mustard says:

    >>This was easy to predict.

    Darned tooting. The smart money was saying 3 years ago “if we invade Iraq, it’s going to be the next Viet Nam”. And now, 3 years later, LOOK MA, IT’S THE NEXT VIET NAM!!

    Even my friends who are hawks (not CHICKENHAWKS mind you) are shaking their heads in disgust over the deceitful entry, the nonexistent planning, and the botched operation of this fiasco.

    But, as Mr. Miller points out, “This was easy to predict”. You let a bunch of chickenhawks and draft dodgers and guys with Tiny Penis Syndrome control the military, and next thing you know you’ve got a debacle like Dumbya’s 100-year war.

    This debacle makes our experience in Viet Nam LOOK GOOD.

  7. site admin's conscience says:

    This debacle makes our experience in Viet Nam LOOK GOOD

    Free speech is a wonderful thing.
    Free speech is a wonderful thing.
    Free speech is a wonderful thing.


    Free speech is a wonderful thing.
    Free speech is a wonderful thing.
    Free speech is a wonderful thing.

  8. Sounds the Alarm says:

    I am passionately against duhbya and the war, but I despise Baez.

    She was one of the Viet Nam anti war group that targeted the soldiers that fought the war, rather than the ones who called the shots.

    Thank God we have gotten far enough to not blame the soldiers for this mess.

  9. Miguel Lopes (not a US citizen) says:

    This is surely still far from being as bad as Nam?!?! I mean, THOUSANDS of americans died there, right? Not yet the case for Iraq?

    But all clouds have a silver lining. Maybe next time the Disciples of Dubya won’t win the elections…

  10. K. Zuke says:

    Mustard –

    Uh, who was pulling the strings during Kosovo, Mogadishu, etc.? Oh that’s right… hmmm. Short memory.

    This debacle makes our experience in Viet Nam LOOK GOOD.

    Your comment and anyone else who spews crap like that make me sick. You flippantly dishonor the over 58,000 U.S. soldiers who died in that war. I don’t necessarily agree with what happened in Vietnam or what is happening in Iraq, but we owe them respect. You and Baez get to enjoy the freedoms secured by these sacrifices, even though you appear not to deserve them.

    Ok, let my blood pressure subside a little…

    An interesting local story here, is that the father of local serviceman Michael Mitchell, who died in the same conflict as Sheehan’s son, went to Texas to camp with the protesters and intends to march on Washington next month. While Mitchell’s mother, is spending her time raising money and supplies here locally to send to the troops. His mother feels that’s the best way to honor her son’s belief’s in the higher good of the mission – “He volunteered that day and he actually died for his buddies,” Baker says. “I’m continuing that by helping to support his buddies with local donations.”

  11. Sounds the Alarm says:

    K. Zuke,

    I don’t think anyone here is doubting the courage and sacrifice of the kids that in the present or past fought or died.


    Ms. Sheehan has a right to ask Bush why, regardless of how many times they meet before. Her Son’s sacrifice buys that least that.

    Mr. & Ms. Mitchell have just as important a right, bought by the same type of blood sacrifice, to support his son and the cause that his son believed in.

    Both MUST be heard and should be heard.

    It is because of both men that we who don’t believe Bush must question and have a dialog on the subject with those that I’m sure believe in Bush just as passionately as we do not. We must challenge others who believe differently from ourselves and visa versa. From such discussions come consensus and truth.

    I am a member of a group that give and collect money for members of the 278th RCT from Tenn. I don’t mention this for brownie points, but for a reason.

    Most of us in this group passionately disagree with Bush and feel this war is no good. However when I write or email my many friends in the unit, I NEVER mention this, but always tell them how proud I am of them, and how important they are. Because they are – and because of that We must use them as precious resources.


    There is a very real chance that the constitution of Iraq will be based on Sharia. Sharia strips all rights away from women and non Muslims and in many cases allows male family members, father, brothers etc. to kill their daughters for disrespecting them. This disrespect could take the form of the daughter having been forcibly raped, but the male family members decide to kill her because she didn’t put up “enough” of a struggle.

    Is this the freedom our sons and DAUGHTERS are fighting for? According to Bush, we’re freeing the Iraqis. Freeing them to allow for Sharia subjugate women and non Muslims? I hope this doesn’t come to pass, BUT IF IT DOES then our troops will not have died for a good cause. And that will be a real sin against the national soul, because those who have died and been maimed did so for pure reasons. Bush is the one soiling their sacrifice.

    I notice Jenna and Barb aren’t “over there”.

  12. North of the Border says:

    “I don’t necessarily agree with what happened in Vietnam or what is happening in Iraq, but we owe them respect. You and Baez get to enjoy the freedoms secured by these sacrifices, even though you appear not to deserve them.”

    What sacrifices have happened here to secure the freedoms for your country? It is tragic that all these people had to die (or become disabled) on what seems be a war which didn’t need to happen (no WOMD, no oil, unlikely to develop a sustainable democratic government, didn’t reduce terrorism, etc).

  13. Andy_Gu says:

    I just can’t wait till Jane shows up!!!

  14. Sounds the Alarm says:

    Oh God – not Jane too.


  15. K. Zuke says:

    Sounds the Alarm,

    I enjoyed reading your response, even though some of our opinions differ. Others seem to post inflammatory comments just because they can.

    I agree w/you about the Sharia. I’m hopeful your fear will not come to fruition though, as I even read in Time that well over 3 million girls are now going to school in Iraq, where under Saddam, that was strictly illegal. Big changes…

  16. Sounds the Alarm says:

    K. Zuke,

    I wouldn’t mind in the least being wrong on this one. I truly wouldn’t.


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