Crooks and Liars — An interesting response to the ridiculous coverage of the BTK jerk. The first to bitch about it was Jon Stewart on the Daily Show now others are chiming in. The problem is something I understand fully and the public does not. People watch this crap and the executives know this. So they keep running it.

As comic Rob Becker used to say about women’s taste in jerky men, “If there was no demand there would be no supply!” That said the media does bear some responsibility for improving the tastes and habits of the public.

It’s like the world’s gone mad, Wolf. I mean, what a charade. The BTK killer actually shed a tear or two during this sentencing hearing, this circus today. That was on the outside. He had to be laughing hysterically on the inside. We, the news media and the criminal justice system played right into his hands. A two-day sentencing hearing that was televised live around the world after he’d already confessed.

We ought to be ashamed of ourselves. Publicity is this monster’s gasoline. It’s what kept him going during the years he was playing cat and mouse with the cops and murdering innocent people. He loved being the BTK killer. He loved reading about himself in the newspapers, watching the television stories on the local news in Kansas, on the nights before he got caught.

Doesn’t anybody get this? This thing should have been sentenced in a closed courtroom in 30 seconds and thrown into a hole to rot. I’m a little embarrassed to be a part of the media on a day like this.

found by 12-2

  1. R Taylor says:

    The BBC tried for decades to bring intelligent, artistic, and informative television programming to the masses. For the most part they watched football, a few soaps and comedies and slept through the rest. At the earliest opportunity they jumped on a satellite dish. I really suggest for long life and optimal health to retire from the human race. Settle back with some old books and a good dog.

  2. Jim Dermitt says:

    Moderated news won’t last. If you see news call the news room. That’s over with. Now when people see news they blog or post it unmoderated to the web. A story develops and by the time the networks get with it, it’s already being reported. People trying to moderate the flow of information will find themselves left behind. I know, they know better. Moderators will be viewed as censors in an open and networked society. Nobody has a monopoly on the truth and this isn’t China. Filter all you want, you will just waste your time, wasting everyone elses time. You can’t make time stand still and the news doesn’t stand still until some moderator gives the okay.


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