Russian Researchers Claim to Have Solved Mystery of Crop Circles – NEWS – MOSNEWS.COM — This is about the third explanation I’ve read for these things. This one is a lulu.

A group of researchers in Russia claim they have solved the mystery of crop circles, the Komsomolskaya Pravda daily reports. According to them, plants bend as a result of microwave emissions caused by lightning strikes.

What sort of lightning strike left this baby?

found by D. Drews

  1. Ed Campbell says:

    Are these guys auditioning for a job with the New York POST?

  2. Miguel Lopes says:

    A very creative sort of lightning 🙂

    I thought this had been debunked a looooong time ago!

    Why don’t we admire crop circles for what they are – very original (and good humoured) works of art!

  3. wordhack says:

    Looks like the perfect idea for a Current tv feature story.
    Crop Pimp

  4. glenn says:

    There is no mystery.
    There is no mystery.
    There is no mystery.

  5. skepticality says:


    I posted this in a few places as well! I always am amused by folks that keep trying to foist this up as if it requires any scientific involvement. How, where, when, and why crop circle are really made has been well documented and proven. Heck, we even interviewed one of the guys that MAKES the damn things.

    People always find a way to make money off the gullible and get the press to play along!

    It doesn’t make the stories any less fun…

    Derek Colanduno

  6. Dave M. says:

    That’s a hoot! I didn’t realize that lightening could create crop circles that look like the Mandelbrot set. I wonder if God is messing with us. 🙂


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