Muslim-Themed ‘Beurger King’ Opens — If the Islamists were sick of Western influences, this will rock them.

Personally I like the name Burka King better.

Muslims in France are having it their way with “Beurger King” %u2014 a new fast-food restaurant that caters to the country’s large Islamic population.

The bright and colorful eatery was launched in July in an eastern Paris suburb crowded with immigrants and dilapidated housing projects. Its name plays on the French word “Beur,” meaning a second-generation North African living in France.

The menu at Beurger King Muslim, or BKM, is standard fast-food fare: burgers, fries, sundaes and doughnuts, and prices are comparable to those at major chains. But the beef and chicken burgers are halal %u2014 meaning made with meat slaughtered according to Islamic dietary laws.

Waitresses wear Islamic head scarves, as do many of their customers.

Mouna Talbi, 24, traveled 55 miles to Clichy-sous-Bois with her husband and two small sons to try it out.

“I was so happy to come here that I had tears in my eyes when I walked in,” she said, watching her sons climb on colored blocks in the play area as she ate a halal burger.

found by Maddog Mike

  1. Mister Mustard says:

    a “halal beurger”? ewww. That “fat food” stuff is gross enough already, without knowing that the cow was killed with ritual slaughter. I’d rather know that my Big Mac was killed painlessly, with a steel bolt shot between the eyes.

  2. Miguel Lopes says:

    Sounds more like a parody than catering to Islamic culture to me… But hey, if the immigrants like it, great!

  3. Mike Voice says:

    Personally I like the name Burka King better.


    You tha’ MAN.

  4. Nur Hendra says:

    To Mister Mustard:
    “Halal” does not always mean ‘good and healthy’. 🙂
    It simply means that the food is not ‘sinful’, i.e. it is not a sin to eat that food. However, some (maybe most) muslims forgot that it has to be “Thayyib” to, which means it is ‘good’ for the body.
    Also, the ‘ritual slaughter’ sounded like witchcraft way of killing the animal. 🙂
    Actually, the “Halal” way to kill the animal is to make sure that it is properly treated (healthy and probably happy), and the process is painless (almost instant dead). A quick slash to separate the nerve on the neck will do it. Only certified ‘Halal’ butcher are allowed. I’ve seen it, and it sure look like a flawless kill (the animal didn’t scream etc).
    ‘Steel bolt shot between the eye’ may look industrialized, but it is possible that the animal might feel prolonged suffering.
    But I agree. Eating burger will taste better if we don’t know how the meat were killed. 🙂

  5. Zod says:

    As a muslim i couldn’t care less ,Is there a kosher king out there?

  6. Miguel Lopes says:

    I honestly doubt any animal killed in a modern slaughterhouse in the western world is being killed in a ‘Halal’ way…

    BTW, this is one more thing I admire in Islam – which I consider to be a most civilized and humane religion. However, as in Christianism, maybe the principles will be ignored when profit comes into play?

  7. meetsy says:

    Burka King would be a dress shop

  8. Mister Mustard says:

    Nur Hendra:

    I never implied that halal meant “healthy”. My comment was simply that I find the “ritual slaughter” to be somewhat repugnant; often hanging the animal upside down and ripping out its trachea (maybe this is why the animal doesn’t “scream”?), in addition to slitting its throat and letting it bleed to death.

    If I were a farm animal, I would GREATLY prefer to take a steel bolt to the brain first. Then they could do with me whatever they wanted.

    btw, “ritual slaughter” is their term for kosher and halal killing, not mine.


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