China prepares to sell their tableware to the West — in appropriate fashion — I guess.

I wonder if this is part of some ancient tea ceremony I missed reading about?

  1. meetsy says:

    gives a whole new meaning to ….er spooning….er….
    Betch-ya’d like to fork her?

  2. Lindsay says:

    That one needed a work warning …

  3. RonD says:

    Looks like Uri Gellar has been busy bending spoons 🙂

  4. Philip says:

    That’s an impressive set of spoons.

  5. Steve says:

    I’d rather she be wearing chopsticks.

  6. Todd says:

    Spoon boy: Do not try and bend the spoon. That’s impossible. Instead… only try to realize the truth.
    Neo: What truth?
    Spoon boy: There is no spoon.

    This is what passes as deep thoughts for me at 11:30 pm!

  7. raddad says:

    I take it that the chief purchasers of tableware in China are men?

  8. Jim Dermitt says:

    $595 Buck knives emblazoned with the image of the congressional seal. Dinner with your lobbyist. Death by a thousand cuts, priceless. For everything else there is Master Card.

  9. Miguel Lopes says:

    Does anyone have an ultra-high-res version of the photo I could print on A3?

  10. Mike Voice says:

    That one needed a work warning …

    Especially when it was at the top of the page! 🙂

  11. Hal Jordan says:

    This is where Neo comes in and says: There is no spoon!

  12. MEH says:

    Does she work @ one of the Bay Area news Station?

  13. Allan says:

    It’s weird that Xinhua (an official Chinese government news agency) publishes a lot of sexy content like this.


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