Another depressiing Job Destruction Newsletter was just released. Here is the main clip.

The Senate Judiciary Committee will be discussing guest-worker proposals on Tuesday, July 26th. They will pretend to conduct an objective hearing but it’s nothing more than a transparent charade to justify their support for displacing American workers with cheap foreign labor. Perhaps the most odious thing about the hearing is that there is nobody in the hearing that is an advocate for American workers. This hearing is an obvious attempt to showcase the corporate HR point of view – and we all know what that means!

Two different guest-worker proposals will be discussed in the meeting.

1) The Secure America and Orderly Immigration Act by Senators Kennedy and McCain and often called the McKennedy bill. This is the largest guest-worker bill in the history of mankind and it’s most immediate effect will be to force global labor arbitrage on the unsuspecting American public. Nobody will be safe from this bill either because it doesn’t restrict what type of workers can work in the USA. If that’s not bad enough there are provisions to give over 12 million illegal aliens an amnesty after a 6 year period of indentured servitude.

2) The Comprehensive enforcement and Immigration Reform Act of 2005. This bill is definitely better than the McKennedy bill because at least it has some strong enforcement measures, but it is another guest-worker visa bill that contains an amnesty for illegal aliens. This bill is sponsored by Senators Jon Kyl (R-AZ) and John Cornyn (R-TX).

Here are the so-called experts that are to testify:

Senators Kennedy and McCain – They might seem like an odd couple but when it comes to support for importing foreign labor these two are bosom buddies.

Senators Kyl and Cornyn – in 2004 Cornyn headed the Senate India Caucus called the “Friends of India”. Need I say more?

Michael Chertoff, secretary of Homeland Security – a Bush appointee. Whatever he is at the hearing for it will have nothing to do with labor issues.

Elaine Chao, secretary of Labor – another Bush appointee. Chao is infamous for her flagrant disregard for American labor. She has made no secret about her desire to allow more foreign workers into the U.S., and she has spoken many times in support of H-1B.

Gary Endelman – This is perhaps the most offensive choice. The Senate Judiciary should be ashamed of themselves for allowing Endelman into this meeting without at least inviting somebody to counter his self-interest in furthering immigration. Endelman is an immigration attorney and writer who is notorious for his unabashed support of unrestrained immigration. Endelman is featured in the recent newsletter “The Real Story Behind Visas” published July 8, 2005. If you want to get even more angry, all you have to do is to go to the following website to read some of his classics on H-1B:

Hal Daub, president and CEO of the National Center for Assisted Living – I’m not sure what this guy is doing in a hearing on guest-worker proposals. Perhaps he wants to import more Philipinos to change bed pans. One thing you can bet money on is that Daub isn’t going to this hearing to help Americans get paid more to work at nursing homes.


*** So what can you do? ***

You can call the Judiciary members and tell them that you are not impressed by their charade. If you are a NumbersUSA fax sender you can send a free fax. Go to

related links:
Job Destruction Cartoons

  1. Andy says:

    This is a joke. Hey Microsoft or Adobe, I just got my programming degree. How about a job? Oh, no experiance. Sorry I asked.

  2. Tom Hanlin says:

    Right, right. Foreigners are awful and, Lord knows, Americans can’t be expected to compete in an honest market. The horror. The horror.

  3. Angel H. Wong says:

    So… How many of you are willing to pick up those extra pretty vegetables and fruits growing in the hot california sun until way after it sank over the horizon as the trucks pass next to you spraying tons of pesticides over the fields and obviously you only have a baseball cap for protection from the sun and a very worn shirt and pants?

    And all that hard work for a dollar a day?

  4. T.C. Moore says:

    Who’s going to testify on behalf of workers?
    Perhaps my Social Worker roommate could go:

    “Senator, my client would like a chance at those jobs that go to illegal aliens.”
    (conferring with client) “Wha? You only want a ‘real job’….. Oh.”
    (to the committee, in the mode of Gilda Radner) “Nyevermiiiind.”

    Or how about meetsy? Give ’em hell, girlfriend!

    Nobody will be safe from this bill either because it doesn’t restrict what type of workers can work in the USA.

    Will Tech companies really be hiring foreign programmers who have decided to overstay their visas? How desperate does a company have to get before they start giving someone $40/hour under the table.
    Beware the tsunami of German backpackers who decide to extend their trip and become SAP consultants. (BTW, Don’t get in a hot tub with a European. Seriously. Your face could freeze that way.)

    I don’t think good paying jobs go to undocumented workers.

    It was interesting to read somewhere else (?? sorry) that the H1B visa quotas in recent years have been reduced from 195,000 to 65,000 allowed per year. But that’s _new_ visas, right? Current holders can have them renewed indefinitely(?). Not sure.


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