– Trial backs criticized ‘fusion in a jar’ effort — Here we go again. Cold fusion rocks!

PETERBOROUGH, N.H. — A widely criticized effort three years ago to create low-cost tabletop nuclear fusion could gain new support following an experiment at Purdue University.

Taking the basic apparatus used in 2002, two Purdue researchers refined the experiment and published new results that once again seem to prove that nuclear fusion was taking place. If it proves to be real, the new approach might lead to a genuine new source of energy.

related links:
Infinite Energy Magazine
Physics Today Article
The real beginnings here
Could THIS be cold fusion at work?

  1. site admin says:

    I wouldn’t get acetone anywhere near the car….one drop on the paint and you’ll be sorry! If you want to dump weird stuff in the car..put in straight toluene. What are you trying to accomplish? Using acetone for this sounds like the gag about using butter to shave with/ It does work, but the unexpected aspect is, well, funny.

    That whole website looks nuts. Use acetone and you get “better shifting?” Please!

    Little known Dvorak fact, I actually was a petroleum chemist for Union Oil.

  2. Floyd says:

    I went to Purdue as a [for Dvorak] Chemical Engineering student. They’re pretty rigorous there about both their science and engineering (and computer science).

    Still, I would expect the researchers to detail their setup and results of their experiment enough that others could duplicate the results. That is usually the litmus test that a controveresial experiment really is delivering as promised.

    Next step–enough energy out of the experiment to reach breakeven.

    Step after that–enough energy out that the reactor is self sustaining.

    Then, scaleup to commercial production.

    Finally, “Mr. Fusion” from Back to the Future….heh.


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